Outside Work Conversations/Tsuzuru and Chikage

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Veludo Station Front

ChikageTsuzuru, do you have something on your mind? If you're fine with me, I'll hear you out.
TsuzuruI just feel like I can't come up with anything new despite rereading screenplays and their information booklets over and over again...
ChikageI'll think up some stories I could offer you.

Veludo Park

TsuzuruMost dangerous mistake at work so far?
ChikageHuh. I guess the case of a profit loss of ten million due to lost baggage 3 years ago...
Chikage...that I only saw in a movie while flying, of course.
TsuzuruThe image of a play inspired by that ten million just crumpled to pieces...

Veludo Town Library

TsuzuruWas that foreign boy you just talked to an acquaintance of yours?
ChikageHe's an information broker in this neighbourhood. If you look at it that way, he's my senior.
TsuzuruNo way, no matter how you look at it that's just a kid... hold on, what do you mean by information broker!?
ChikageAhaha. Feel free to use that prompt for a script.
