Outside Work Conversations/Tsumugi and Homare

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Veludo Station Front

HomareAs the Winter Troupe leader, you must learn to understand the arts a little more.
HomareNow, read and learn from my new book.
TsumugiT-thank you very much.

Veludo Park

HomareTsumugi-kun, you are much too delicate. I think that you lack aura.
TsumugiAura, huh… I don’t think that’s something you can emit consciously though...
TsumugiI’ll work hard to be able to emit aura.
HomareMhm. I believe that you can do it.

Veludo Town Library

TsumugiHomare-san, the cover of your new book is... How do I put it… It’s amazing, isn’t it…?
HomareAre you so moved that your vocabulary has been snatched?
HomareHow I wish to share my artistic talents...
TsumugiThank you very much. Umm, I'll give it my all.
