Outside Work Conversations/Tsumugi and Azuma

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Veludo Station Front

AzumaTsumugi, why did you decide to work as a home tutor?
TsumugiIt pays well, and I like talking with people.
TsumugiAzuma-san, why did you become a sleeping partner…?[1]
AzumaHehe, it’s a secret.

Veludo Park

AzumaTsumugi as a civil servant... Hehe, I can easily imagine it.
TsumugiIs that so? It didn’t feel out of place for me.
AzumaI also wanted to try being a civil servant once.
TsumugiAzuma-san sitting at a government office counter… I can’t imagine it...

Veludo Town Library

TsumugiIs the hourly wage good for sleeping partners?
AzumaHehe, Tsuzuru asked me the same thing.
AzumaI’d like to invite you to be a sleeping partner too… But a certain someone will get angry at me.


  1. If you haven’t read Act 4, Azuma works as a 添い寝屋. I copied “sleeping partner” as the english translation from @a3_entl (THANK YOU). He describes his job in chapter 1 of Act 4. He accompanies people in bed and they just talk. Nothing sexual
