Outside Work Conversations/Tenma and Banri

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Veludo Station Front

BanriTenma, come shopping with me on the way back.
TenmaYeah, yeah. Can't be helped.
TenmaSpeaking of which, I want to look at sneakers too.
BanriThen shall we go to the usual place~

Veludo Park

TenmaI've used this park for filming before.
BanriNow that you mention it, you're technically a celebrity.
TenmaI'll give you my autograph if you want?
BanriHaha, idiot. I don't need it.

Veludo Town Library

TenmaAll of the new ones are good this time. I'm stuck on which colour to get.
BanriPersonally, I'd go for black without thinking, but you're kinda different, huh.
BanriSay, can't you just buy all the colours?
TenmaGood idea. I'll do that.
