Outside Work Conversations/Sakyo and Azami

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Veludo Station Front

Azami…Acting with shithead Sakyo… this is the worst.
SakyoShut it. Now isn’t the time to whine like that.
Azami…Tsk. What a pain in the ass.
SakyoThat’s what I should be saying. At least act without being so stubborn about it.

Veludo Park

SakyoChairman said that he wanted to have a meal. Start preparing once you get home.
AzamiI’ll think about it if Ken-san is going to be there.
SakyoSakoda isn’t your dog. He also has work to do.
AzamiThe hell? As if I thought of him as a dog. You’re the one who sees him like that.

Veludo Town Library

Sakyo…God dammit. Where did that childhood innocence of yours go.
AzamiChildhood innocence… don’t say gross shit like that.
SakyoWant to play with Jin-Gi-Oh cards for old time’s sake? [1]
Azami…Hmph. I won’t lose, y’know.

  1. If you don't know what these are referring to, check act 7 and episode 23!