Outside Work Conversations/Sakuya and Citron

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Veludo Station Front

CitronSoon I will be out of pizza...Farewell, Sakuya...
SakuyaEhh!? Let's ask Omi-san to make pizza tonight!
SakuyaI want to act more with you, Citron-san...!
CitronOh, Sakuya, you really are cute; I love you!

Veludo Park

CitronThis necklace of mine is cursed...
SakuyaEhh!? C-cursed!?
CitronThe curse is a secret between you and me.
SakuyaY-yes...! I'll look for a way to undo the curse too!

Veludo Town Library

Citron"Can't be cut with a knife." I learnt this Japanese recently!
SakuyaA-A riddle...? I have to study my mother tongue more too...!
CitronI'll be a sliding Japanese with you ♪
SakuyaS-Sliding...? Baseball...?
