Outside Work Conversations/Muku and Tasuku

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Veludo Station Front

TasukuToday's Street ACT is a bit hard.
MukuI-I'll try my best!
Tasuku...Sakisaka, you're surprisingly fit.
MukuEhehe. I've got a bit of confidence in my fitness.

Veludo Park

MukuIt feels really good to work your body.
TasukuIt's good for your health too, and it serves as a way to de-stress as well.
TasukuShall we run home today? How about to the dorms +10km?
MukuSounds good!

Veludo Town Library

MukuHow many kilometres do you always run?
TasukuIt depends on the day, but about 10km on average.
MukuI might start running too...
TasukuThat'd be good. It's important to be fit for acting, too.
