Outside Work Conversations/Muku and Homare

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Veludo Station Front

MukuThe black tea you brewed yesterday was delicious!
HomareThat's right! After all, it is tea that I brewed ♪
MukuPlease teach me how to brew tea next time!
HomareOf courch. I'll explain it simply with a poem ♪

Veludo Park

MukuThe sky is pretty today, too.
HomareHmph. The fresh wind stirs up poetic inspiration.
HomareToday let us have tea at the park like this.
MukuIt's perfect weather for a tea party, isn't it!

Veludo Town Library

MukuWhat shall we do for today's refreshments?
HomareI'm in the mood for Japanese sweets ♪
HomareI have dorayaki I just received from the editorial department.
MukuThen today's green tea instead of black tea, hm.
