Outside Work Conversations/Misumi and Kumon

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Veludo Station Front

KumonSumi-san, are you going triangle hunting today, too?
MisumiOf course! I feel like I can find a really good one today!
MisumiIf I find a really cool triangle, you'll be the first one I show it to!
KumonReally!? I'm looking forward to it!

Veludo Park

MisumiLook, look, Kumon! The triangle I found earlier!
KumonOhh! Awesome! It's a guitar pick!
KumonAfter this pick, you gotta find a triangle guitar!
MisumiYup, yup! When we find one, let's start a triangle band!

Veludo Town Library

KumonEhehe, I've got a present for you today, Sumi-san!
MisumiEeh!? What is it, what is it!?
KumonTaadah! Stickers of triangle signs!
MisumiUwah! Cool! Let's put them in our room when we come home~!
