Outside Work Conversations/Masumi and Tenma

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Veludo Station Front

MasumiThe Director told me off for forgetting to say 'I'm home'. I'm loved.
TenmaLeaving aside whether you're loved...you're not used to saying 'I'm home', are you.
TenmaIt's a strange feeling, having someone in the house when you come home.
MasumiI get you.

Veludo Park

Masumi...The Director will be home soon. I have to go back too.
TenmaNo way, have you got a GPS attached to the Director!?
MasumiI'll be the first to say 'welcome back' to her.
TenmaWait, we still haven't reached today's target!

Veludo Town Library

MasumiI want to say 'welcome back' and 'I'm home' to the Director for the rest of my life.
TenmaWhat's that, a proposal?
MasumiI've already decided how I'll word my proposal...I'm not telling you.
TenmaI don't want to know!
