Outside Work Conversations/Masumi and Itaru

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Veludo Station Front

MasumiIf the Director's not watching, I'm not motivated.
ItaruWhy don't you try thinking of all the audience members in front of you as the Director.
Itaru...Masumi, do you know what fanservice is?
MasumiI don't.

Veludo Park

ItaruYou have a handsome face, so what if you smile a bit more?
MasumiWhy? I'll smile if it's for the Director.
MasumiWhy do you put up such a front? Aren't you tired?
ItaruHaha. Adults have a lot going on.

Veludo Town Library

MasumiYou don't suit the princely character at all.
ItaruI think the same.
ItaruAh? Emergency maintenance? Don't screw with me.
Masumi...I pity all the women who think you're a prince.
