Outside Work Conversations/Kazunari and Guy

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Veludo Station Front

KazunariGuuuuy-guy ♪
Guy... Ah, you're talking to me. I have a hard time getting used to that nickname.
KazunariUh-huh, Guy-guy's srsly shifty today too ♪ [1]
GuySwiftly...poisoning...? I have no idea what could have caused that or what it's all about, but it's best not to approach me then.[2]

Veludo Park

KazunariEhhh~ It's going to start raining right 'round noon~? That's seriously dropping my vibes.
GuyThe right nogging is going to go round-a-noun? I don't think it's that bad of a thing.
KazunariGuy-guy~ You're seriously hearing that part wrong? Did you just miss out on a OS update launch?
GuySniff out a chorizo roast...? I'm getting hungry now...[3]

Veludo Town Library

KazunariLookie! This character in this ad is super HQ but it's laughable look is srsly way too much.
Guy?????? Eight queue bot is affably took too much...?[4]
GuyMiyoshi, your Japanese is still too difficult for me...
KazunariHmm, instead of just calling it Japanese~ isn't it kind a more like Kazunarimyon-ese?

  1. Originally ゲキシブ=gekishibu. No clue as to what it actually is, so I went with a guess. Corrections are totally welcome!
  2. Modified the misheard part a little to fit with Kazunari's line. He originally just thought that Kazunari said that he's poisonous/toxic.
  3. Played around a bit with wording with these lines to make the mishearing joke play out somewhat okay. It sounds a lot better in Japanese and is doubly funnier too, though.
  4. Couldn't come up with a way to make this like the original line, so just made something up. He originally said 俳句王打倒地縛霊T高すぎ. A literal translation of this would be something along the lines of "Haiku king - location-bound ghost beatdown is too much".