Outside Work Conversations/Itaru and Yuki

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Veludo Station Front

YukiThe gap between your appearance and your personality is too big. What a scam.
ItaruYou're the one person I don't want to be told that by.
ItaruWhat was my nickname again?
YukiSham Elite. It's spot-on, right?

Veludo Park

ItaruYuki, you'd be rather popular if you worked in a maid cafe.
YukiAre you picking a fight?
ItaruI just thought there'd be demand in a certain subset of maid otaku.
YukiBe grateful to the parents who gave you that face, seriously.

Veludo Town Library

YukiA disappointing personality with a good face is especially disappointing.
ItaruIn the end, am I just being slandered?
ItaruSociety is easily influenced, to let itself be deceived with a bit of a smile.
YukiWell, I do understand that. You can't win against what's cute.
