Outside Work Conversations/Itaru and Tsumugi

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Veludo Station Front

ItaruAre your students in elementary school?
TsumugiI’ve taught elementary school students, but I guess I mainly tutor high school students now.
TsumugiYou’ve tutored Sakuya-kun, right?
ItaruJust once. Because Sakuya’s a hassle-free student.

Veludo Park

ItaruYou really do look like you’d be a kind tutor who’s good at teaching, Tsumugi.
TsumugiAhaha. I’m happy that you think so.
TsumugiYou seem suited for being a home tutor too, Itaru-kun.
ItaruI wonder about that. Well, tutoring Sakuya wasn’t bad.

Veludo Town Library

TsumugiI’ll be looking over the student group’s homework. Would you like to join, Itaru-kun?
ItaruThere’s an event so I’ll pass.
TsumugiScience isn’t my strong point, so it would be reassuring if you’re there.
ItaruSo you’re good at teaching and at asking for favours… Got it, I’ll join you for a little bit.
