Outside Work Conversations/Itaru and Chikage

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Veludo Station Front

ItaruTomorrow we are going to have dinner with Company A, so senpai will..
ChikagePass, of course. I do not really get along with the supervisor over there.
ItaruPassing up on the joint dinners yet somehow maintaining good relationships with clients... What kind of skill is that?
ChikageThat is a secret.

Veludo Park

ItaruI got something one of the people from the general affairs department told me to give to you.
ChikageWhat a coincidence. I also have something someone from general accounting told me to give to Chigasaki.
ItaruSeems like there’s chocolate inside. Too bad for you.
ChikageAnd for you it looks like a bunch of invoices and an energy drink. Nice work.

Veludo Town Library

ItaruYou haven’t started playing any online games lately, right? It is just I saw a guild master with round glasses...
ChikageOnline games are out of my range of expertise. Anyhow, you know we have a presentation tomorrow, right?
ItaruDamn.. Tonight I have this guild event and... Chikage, please...
ChikageDid you just stop calling me ‘senpai’ just now?
