Outside Work Conversations/Hisoka and Guy

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Veludo Station Front

HisokaI get sleepy…when I’m around Guy.
GuyI feel like Mikage is always sleepy.
Hisoka…It smells good. Maybe, it's you.
GuyAh, it’s incense. Mikage’s nose is good.

Veludo Park

HisokaAzuma lights incense too but this smells different.
GuyIt’s from Zahra. I used it for many years so I’m used to the scent.
HisokaI like this scent too. I could sleep forever.
GuyMikage, that’s called death.

Veludo Town Library

Hisoka…Today there’s no scent. Or rather, it’s faint?
GuyI ran out. I’m ordering more.
HisokaIf Guy doesn’t have that scent, I kind of can’t calm down.
GuyReally? You like it quite a lot. Please wait a few more days.
