Outside Work Conversations/Citron and Tenma

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Veludo Station Front

CitronToday I'll play the prawn!
TenmaWhat sort of acting do you plan on doing!?
CitronOh, after all that splashing about I'm hungry...
TenmaShall we go for sushi on the way back?

Veludo Park

CitronWhat sort of fish do you like to eat for sushi?
TenmaFor sushi, it's gotta be tuna belly (otoro).
CitronThe 'toro' is from how thick and smooth (torotoro) it is...Japanese is simple and easy~.
TenmaSay that once you can speak Japanese properly.

Veludo Town Library

CitronTenma, I found a good sushi shop!
TenmaOh, is it yummy?
CitronThe gari (picked ginger) is very crunchy, so it's a delicacy!
TenmaThe selling point is the gari!? And what do you mean, crunchy!
