Outside Work Conversations/Citron and Tasuku

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Veludo Station Front

CitronLet's go with blood-covered underarms![1]
TasukuArmpits...? You mean the teres major...?
CitronYour 'Get down, fundoshi!' line was cool!
TasukuI've never said a line like that.

Veludo Park

CitronTasuku, do you prefer sesame or soy sauce with your healing tuba?[2]
TasukuI have no idea what you're saying.
CitronEarning money while practising is just like going two streets with one transfer![3]
TasukuDo the guys in the Spring Troupe understand these words...?

Veludo Town Library

CitronTsuzuru won't give me more lines...
TasukuWell, of course not.
TasukuIs that way of speaking on purpose...?
CitronOhh, how rude. I'm always pure, pure.

  1. 脇肉血まみれ (wakinikuchimamire) vs 血沸き肉躍る (chiwakinikuodoru) - getting pumped/excited
  2. He means 'hiyashi chuka'
  3. He means 'killing two birds with one stone', orig. mistake 移籍二丁目 vs 一石二鳥