Outside Work Conversations/Chikage and Misumi

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Veludo Station Front

MisumiToday's street act theme is... Ta-dah! Cat napping~!
MisumiChikage~ You can't play as the cat's owner~ You have to act as the cat!
ChikageI thought that surely the protagonist must be a cat lover. Besides, acting as a cat doesn't fit me age-wise.

Veludo Park

MisumiHey~ Chikage, won't you act as cats with me too? Hisoka did it a while ago! On stage!
ChikageHe's of the unique sort. Don't group him with me.
MisumiLet's play tag as cats, all 3 of us! It would be fun~
Chikage...I'll think about it.

Veludo Town Library

MisumiAh! There's a pair of cat brothers over there! They said they want to play later!
Chikage...You don't need to worry about including me, you can go play with them yourself Misumi.
MisumiEven though Chikage's bad with cats, the cats like you, you know.
Chikage...That doesn't make me too happy.
