Outside Work Conversations/Chikage and Homare

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Veludo Station Front

HomareYesterday, I participated in Kazunari-kun’s drawing competition….
ChikageA drawing competition…just like kindergarten.
HomareLook at my drawing. This bold touch…isn’t it artistic?
ChikageIt’s a wonderful drawing reminiscent of Cubism.

Veludo Park

HomareChikage-kun, try drawing too! It’s fun.
ChikageI don’t have much experience drawing.
HomareYou’re interested in drawing any type of drawing, aren’t you? If you draw something, show it to me.
ChikageI thought it was ordinary though. Got it.

Veludo Town Library

ChikageI was recommended to try sketching, want to see?
HomareHmm. let’s see how Chikage-kun’s artistic sense is ♪
ChikageHere. Sakuya and the others told me it was surprising.
Homare…The feeling of dwindling effort is similar to Hisoka-kun’s….
