Outside Work Conversations/Chikage and Azami

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Veludo Station Front

ChikageThere's a lot of young couples in the audience today, aren't there... Azami, are you going to be alright?
Azami...Wh-what? The hell you talking about. It's fine so let's just start the Street Act already!
Chikage... Ah, and right over there is a couple huggi-
Azami!!??... What, no there isn't, you shitbag four-eyes!

Veludo Park

ChikageAzami, you're quite innocent aren't you? But statistically speaking, young people these days are XX and XX...
AzamiShi-, you bastard, what!?
AzamiSakyo's a shitty old man four-eyes, but you're a shitty pervert four-eyes!
ChikageHaha. Well that's a harsh way of putting it.

Veludo Town Library

ChikageI guess the gap between your appearance and your actual personality is one of your selling points, Azami.
AzamiWell you're pretty fucking two-faced yourself.
AzamiYou really aren't a decent adult at all.
ChikageYou just realized? At least you can learn from me as a bad example.
