Outside Work Conversations/Banri and Tsumugi

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Veludo Station Front

BanriI found a nice café. Wanna give it a shot?
TsumugiIs that so? If Banri-kun recommends it then there’s no doubt about it.
BanriTsumugi-san, you like cafés that have a lot of greenery.
TsumugiMeanwhile you place a lot of importance on the shop’s assortment of coffees, Banri-kun.

Veludo Park

TsumugiYou just find yourself spending a lot of time in cafés for some reason.
BanriThe two of us ended up staying for about 3 hours the other day.
TsumugiI feel like drinking some delicious coffee.
BanriWanna stop by the usual place then?

Veludo Town Library

BanriThe café you recommended the other day was real nice.
TsumugiI’m glad. Let’s keep it a secret from the others.
TsumugiThere’s a café I want to go to. Can you come with me?
