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Practice Conversation 1
Chikage | To think that I'd be entrusted with the lead role in my first play. ......I was a little surprised at first, but of course I'll work hard. |
| The script this time had my role written to suit me, so I'm able to prepare for the role with a natural feel. |
| A charlatan......It does seem worth playing. |
| I'd be able to put my skill with sleight-of-hand to use as well? ......Heh, that might work. |
| There are things I don't understand, but it's reassuring having the support of everyone in the Spring Troupe. |
| I suppose you'll teach me a range of things too, Director. ......I'll be in your care. |
Practice Conversation 2
Chikage | This theatre troupe is truly full of strange people. I was surprised to see a celebrity and a crossdressing child......When a poem suddenly started being recited, I wondered what was going on. Everyone else was completely used to it; they said it was a normal thing. |
| But having members of various ages and occupations might be one of this theatre's good points. |
| And you, the Director who's gathered together such a troupe, might actually be an incredible person. |
Practice Conversation 3
Chikage | Director. The spices that have been a popular topic lately; have you tried them already? |
| You still haven't gotten a hold of them? It's true that they've been sold out all over the place, so they do seem hard to acquire. |
| ーーLook. I actually found them the other day at a shop that opened recently. They've got a superb balance; they were really good. |
| Jealous? Even if you look at me like that, I'm not giving them to you. |
| ......Just joking. While I was at it, I bought two bottles. Here's yours. |
| In exchange for me giving it to you, will you give me something in return? Obeying any one order of mine......just kidding. You're too on-guard. |
| Incidentally, you'll make a dish using those, right? ......I'm looking forwards to it. |
Chikage & Tenma Talk
Tenma | Chikage-san, you can speak foreign languages, right. |
Chikage | Yeah......I'm often been overseas for work, after all. I can speak several languages. |
Tenma | ーーActually, I'm playing a kid coming back after being raised overseas in my next drama, so I've got several lines in English. |
| Could you accompany me with practising them? |
Chikage | I see. I'd heard the rumors, but you really are passionate about preparing for your roles. |
Tenma | Of course. It'd be shameful to pronounce them in a mediocre way. If I'm going to do it, I want to master it perfectly. |
Chikage | Huh......Impressive. |
Tenma | Besides, this is more of an aside, but...... |
| ......If you could help me a bit with my English homework too, that'd be helpful. |
Chikage | Haha, I get it. |
Tenma | ......I'm counting on you. |
Chikage | All right. Leave it to me.[1] |