Midsummer SparkleMemory/Episode 7

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Midsummer SparkleMemory
Episode 7
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IzumiIsn’t it about time for the theme announcement?
SakuyaI wonder what’s the next theme. I am a little bit nervous…
HarutoHeh, you guys managed to remain until the final with that mask~
YukiYou again.
TenmaThis mask is not even a handicap.
TaichiThat’s right! We’re absolutely going to win!
Ah, that’s right. Here. This is the theme for the final battle.
Bye, do your best~
YukiI really have a bad feeling about this.
TenmaHe can even say that remark nastily. (t/n: the remark in here most probably refers to haruto’s ‘do your best’)
TsumugiWell, well… Let’s reciprocate that frustrating feeling in the play.
IzumiThat’s right.
Umm, the next theme is… “swimming pool”.
SakuyaI see. It’s a summer-like theme, huh! Should we make a school’s swimming pool as the setting?
MasumiSwimmer who aims for the national athletic meet… no, how about a story of someone who trains hard at swimming because he can’t swim?
TaichiAh, that one is good!
TsumugiAlright, then we have the guy who can’t swim as the protagonist, the friend who trains with him, and then a coach role…
TaichiUgh…. When I think that this is the final battle, I get even more nervous…!
TsumugiThe theater company over there will be going first, huh.
SakuyaBut we’ve already done our briefing, so we should be able to do it perfectly!
TenmaYes, we only have to aim for victory next.
TaichiThat’s right! We will win, and eat a lot of frankfurts!
YukiIt sounds bad for your body….
TaichiIt’s fine to do it once in a while~! How about you, Yuki-chan? What do you want to eat if we can win?
YukiHmmm….. If I must say, candy apple.
TaichiYuki-chan, even your choice is cute….!
MasumiI’ll absolutely win. I’ll work hard for you.
IzumiThanks. I’ve already said before, but save that one for later.
Good luck everyone!
TenmaYes, leave it to us.
IzumiSomehow I even feel nervous….
Steering committeeWell, everyone has been waiting, huh. Now we will hold the final battle of the acting contest!
Ladies and gentlemen, now I will announce the theme for the final battle. The theme is a common feature in summer time, “ghost story”!!
SakuyaEeeh!? “Ghost story”.....!?
TaichiIt’s different from the theme that was given to us!
TenmaBut just now, we received the theme paper from that GOD-za guy for sure一一
YukiCould it be…. That guy switched our theme….!?
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