Midsummer SparkleMemory/Episode 10

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Midsummer SparkleMemory
Episode 10
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TaichiEh~!? Where did everyone go~!?
Yuki-chan asked me to go look for candy apples, but before I knew it, I got lost….
Moreover, the fireworks have already started! Whoaah, I am sad!
Anyway, the premium seats should be over here, right? There are a lot of people, so I am not sure一一
Yuki….Ah, here he is.
YukiGood grief, if you wander around aimlessly, you will get lost, you know, stupid dog.
TaichiUhh… Sorry!
YukiSince you were slow, I bought it myself.
TaichiAh, candy apple!
YukiI even bought one for you. Here.
TaichiAh! Than一一
“Hey, over here.”
“Here, I’ll give you this.”
“....Candy apple?”
“That’s why, don’t cry. You’re a boy, aren’t you?”
“....Yes! Thanks, 一一chan.”
YukiWhy are you zoning out? If you don’t want it, give it to me.
TaichiI- I want it! Thanks!
YukiWhy are you groaning?
TaichiSomehow I feel like something like this happened to me before….
YukiWhat’s that? Aren’t you just mistaking it for something else?
TaichiNo~ I feel like it was something really important….
YukiRather than that, if we don’t hurry, the fireworks are going to end, you know.
TaichiAh! You, you’re right! It’s not good!
YukiHey, let’s go, stupid dog.
TaichiWo, woof!
TsumugiAh, here they are!
IzumiAre you two alright?
TaichiI am sorry一!
YukiHe got lost, so I had to take him.
SakuyaAs expected of Yuki-kun!
TenmaWe already started eating, you know. If you don’t hurry, they will be gone before you know it.
TaichiEeeh! Meanie~!
TsumugiAhaha, it’s alright. We have a lot.
YukiYou really can watch it well here.
IzumiThis is the best location, see!
MasumiIf you are happy, it was worth the effort.
TaichiOkaay, now that everyone is here…. One, two, three!!
TaichiTa一maya一! [1]
TenmaWhat’s that?
MasumiShut up.
YukiTo think that there is a guy who really does it…
TaichiEeh!? It’s a chant for fireworks, you know![2]
SakuyaAh, I want to say it too!
IzumiAhaha, yes, we may as well do it.
MasumiIf you say it, I’ll say it too.
YukiYou change your attitude too fast.
TsumugiAh, the next one is coming.
TaichiWell then, once more, one, two three一一!
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  1. tamaya is a traditional chant that is usually used when there are fireworks
  2. the original word for chant is ‘teppan/テッパン’, but since I can’t find the equivalent for that word in English, I went with the closest term I could think of