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Midnight Chinatown
Episode 2
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Izumi | Alrighty then, it’s settled. These are the members who will be participating! |
Guy | Izumida, Sakuma, Sakisaka, Nanao, Arisugawa, and me. That makes six in total. |
Homare | Leave it to us. |
Taichi | Hey guys, wasn’t Citron the one most excited for this event? |
Izumi | Yeah, he really wanted to participate but unfortunately our schedules just didn’t meet up.. |
| He felt bad, but I told him he could join next time. |
Sakuya | Then that means we gotta buy lots of souvenirs for him! |
Muku | Yeah, that’s right. |
Izumi | I have already spoken with Tsuzuru about what the subject of our play should be. |
| It seems like all the troupes that have won in the past have all had a play with a lot of Chinese themes. |
| So that’s why thought it would be a good idea to try a Chinese mafia story with a lot of kungfu action. |
Muku | Chinese mafia!? |
Taichi | Wow, your eyes just lit up, Mucchan! |
Guy | Is there something special? |
Muku | Well, it’s just I was watching some let’s plays for an otome game recently.. |
| And one of my favourite characters in the game is a Chinese mafia member! He’s soooo cool! |
Azami | An… Otome game? |
Guy | Hmm, one of Little Prince’s favourite characters. |
Izumi | Uhh well I’m glad we got your seal of approval, Muku. |
Sakuya | I think it’s a good idea too. |
| Well the only thing I’m worried about is being able to learn kungfu for the action scenes. |
Homare | I do not know much about kungfu either. It seems like we would definitely need some special training beforehand. |
Taichi | Oh, if you’re worried about kungfu then autumn troupe has got you covered! We can lead the way! Isn’t that right, Acchan? |
Azami | Well, I’m not sure you could really call us experts.. |
Taichi | It’ll be alright! After all we also got the martial arts expert himself, Mr. Guy on our team! |
Izumi | That’s true. |
Guy | Whilst I cannot say I have as much experience performing action scenes on stage like Autumn Troupe, I am willing to lend some of my expertise wherever I can. |
Muku | I’ll do my best in training! |
Izumi | Alright so it’s settled, we’ll do a Chinese mafia play. I’ll let Tsuzuru know we want to go ahead with the plan. |
Taichi | Yeaaah! Hey, I wanna check out that let’s play you mentioned. I wanna know more! What’s the URL Mucchan? |
Muku | Of course! We can watch it together later! |
Homare | Hm, I think I’ll go watch a Chinese mafia movie. |
Sakuya | I wanna watch too! |
Izumi | I’ll go look up more stuff we can use for our research. |
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