Let's Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆/Episode 4

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Let's Bloom! A MANKAI☆Cheer
Chapter 4
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Are you in your room right now?
Tenma Sumeragi
Spring Troupe is all done with our messages, so I’ll bring the notebook over to your room!
Tenma Sumeragi
Got it.
SakuyaHere you go. It’s Summer Troupe’s turn.
TenmaSo everyone in Spring is done already—huh, what’s with this weirdly dark first page.
SakuyaThat page is filled with Masumi-kun’s deep feelings...
YukiDeep? You mean overwhelming.
TenmaCitron wrote with a brush... he’s pretty good. Though what he’s saying is a mystery.
YukiTheir personalities are already exploding through.
SakuyaWe all wrote whatever we wanted, so the Summer Troupe should also write freely. Well then, see you.
TenmaYeah, got it.
*Door closes*
YukiAt this rate, your page is going to get passed over, Useless Actor.
TenmaLike hell it will!
YukiBut you don’t have this kind of skill.
TenmaA-a true star never gets passed over, be it on stage or in a message book!
YukiWhat’s up with that logic? Well, whatever.
YukiHurry up and write.
TenmaI know!
(Man, he has to comment on everything. I can finish this in no time—.)
(...I’m still not sure what to write.)
(One year, huh... Practicing and living with the same people for this long—I’ve never had an experience like this in any of my jobs.)
(The more time we spent together, the more colorful my relationships became, and that in turn improved my acting.)
(I only joined to overcome my trauma at first. I didn’t think I’d gain so much.)
(The huge mess-up during our first performance’s dress rehearsal... I thought I was going to fail again, and I got scared.)
Izumi“It doesn’t make you a coward; it means you have a really professional attitude.”
Izumi“I think you’re an incredible actor for thinking of your acting this way. There’s no need to draw back.”
Tenma“...But I still want to overcome this fear, no matter what.”
Izumi“Your acting might not be completely perfect the way you want it to be. But you can still make it the best.”
Tenma“...What does that mean?”
Izumi“I’m sure you’ll understand if you stand on stage.”
“Tenma-kun, you can definitely overcome your fear. Let’s all overcome it together.”
Tenma(I changed thanks to those words... Thanks to Director, I realized that I wasn’t standing on stage alone.)
(I have the best teammates. When I thought of it like that, I stopped being afraid of the stage.)
(I saw the most amazing scene during our final performance thanks to Director and my teammates.)
(Well, they’re loud, and can be cheeky at times, but—no, they’re like that most of the time.)
YukiAre you done?
YukiHey, it looks like you’ve barely written anything.
“You can leave the company to me, your representative actor, for our second year too.”
There we go, I’m done! It’s your turn now.
Yuki...You spent all that time and this is all you’ve written? It’ll get passed over for sure.
TenmaN-no it won’t!! My personality shines through in this message!
YukiWell, your attitude sure does.
Tenma...What’s that.
YukiIt’ll be boring if all the pages are black and white. I thought I’d decorate mine with colored pens and stickers.
TenmaWha... that’s not fair! Why are you the only one who gets to do that!
TenmaI’m gonna use them too!
Yuki...I mean, sure.
TenmaYou should’ve told me earlier that you had such nice tools. Which sticker will stand out the most...
Yuki(Useless Actor is choosing his stickers so seriously—what a weird scene....)
(I’ve been collecting stickers since elementary school, so I have a lot.)
(If I took these out in class, people would’ve made fun of me, but...)
(Nobody in this troupe looks at me strangely. Well, a lot of these guys are weirder than me.)
(I mean, I’m used to being made fun of, but it’s easier to just be accepted for who you are.)
(When I was first invited to the troupe, I wasn’t really interested in performing, but...)
(I wonder when I got so into acting?)
(Making costumes is fun, but I also came to love standing on stage as an actor.)
(Before I knew it, making costumes and acting had become equally important, and I couldn’t give up on one or the other.)
Yuki“Up till now, I never lost to anyone when it came to making clothes; I never intended to lose.”
“I didn’t care what people said to me because I was confident in my own clothes.”
“They’re my important source of pride. But—.”
“I don’t want to step down from this stage. I want to see it through to the end. The stage is just as important to me as making clothes.”
“I don’t want to give up on either the costumes or my acting.”
Yuki(I feel comfortable in this troupe, and I’m really grateful that I get to do what I love the way I want.)
(It’d be a lie to say I wasn’t having fun. My teammates aren’t so bad either.)
TenmaWh-what? Look at this! It won’t get passed over now!
YukiYou just put them wherever... you have the design sense of a preschool kid.
Yuki(I guess I’m grateful to Director for inviting me to join this troupe... And, well, to this Useless Actor as well.)
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