Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night/Episode 3

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Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night
Episode 3
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TsuzuruTasuku-san, are you going to go out for skate practice…?
Tasuku? Yeah, that was the plan…
TsuzuruUh… Could I maybe come with you? It’s just that… I want you to teach me proper skating techniques.
TasukuI don’t mind, but… shouldn’t you already know how to skate if you’re taking part in this performance?
TsuzuruWell, you see—
Sakuya… So we need some people from Spring troupe to participate in the performance…
CitronOoh, what an unexpected request! But gliding around on skirts is hard…
MasumiYou don’t glide on skirts.
ChikageLet’s see, which one of us five is going to be free…
MasumiMe, Sakuya, Tsuzuru, Citron, Chikage.
ItaruWhat do you mean what? You guys hella mean counting me out from the very start.
ChikageSo you want to skate then?
Itaru…I’m taking that back. I will reserve my right to decline this offer.
ChikageWell, now that we have all mutually agreed to remove Chigasaki from the equation, the ones left are…
SakuyaIn all honesty, I… don’t have any confidence in my skating skills.
CitronSame~ I have eaten ice but haven’t really skated on it.
TsuzuruMasumi seems like he could do anything though.
MasumiI don’t wanna. Plus it’s cold out.
ChikageThe director could become smitten with you if you did beautiful jumps though?
MasumiI’ll do it. Leave it to me.
ItaruThat’s a 180 degree turn[1] if I’ve ever seen one.
TsuzuruWell then, now we just have to get Chikage-san on board and—
ChikageNo can do, I still have work to catch up on.
ItaruThanks for the end-of-year work.
ChikageYou’re doing that too.
ItaruI just had one little slip-up.
Actually, how about Tsuzuru?
TsuzuruEh!? I, uh, I’m… Well, if it’s just a little bit, then I should be able to do it, but…
MasumiThen it’s decided.
ChikageYou’ll be fine. If nothing else, then you’ll be able to skate better than Chigasaki ever will.
TsuzuruBut I mean, I’m pretty much a beginner, so—
SakuyaTsuzuru-kun, are you going to be okay…? If it’s too hard, I’ll take your place!
Tsuzuru…No, it’s fine. I’ll do it.
…That’s the story.
TasukuI see…
…Got it. I’ll be supporting you as much as I can.
TsuzuruThank you so much…!
TasukuTell me when you’ll be free on LIME, Minagi.
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  1. Fun net slang lesson! The original line was 熱い手のひら返し(roughly translating to “a hot palm’s reversal”), which is a phrase originating from the 2channel textboard forum. It means totally changing your attitude on something. I felt like the meaning didn't come across that well if translated literally, so I replaced the phrase with a similar one that’s more familiar to the majority out there.
