Harugaoka Quartet/Episode 2

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Harugaoka Quartet
Episode 2
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IzumiAre you guys okay with Citron-kun starring as the lead character for Spring Troupe’s sixth play?
SakuyaYes! Citron-san is the only one who hasn’t been the lead actor, after all.
ItaruHe should be the lead actor by now.
ChikageWith this, everyone has experienced playing the lead roles.
IzumiThat’s right. I’m deeply moved by that for some reason.
TsuzuruThen, regarding Citron-san’s wish, I think he wants to take on the role of someone who plays the violin.
ItaruViolin? We haven’t performed that kind of theme until now.
MasumiAre we going to play the violin during performance?
IzumiI don’t think it’s necessary for you guys to perform for real since it’s just a play, though….
CitronI performed on the violin during Zahra’s ceremonies every year, you know!
IzumiHuh, is that so!? That’s awesome!
ItaruAs expected of high specs in disguise.
MasumiIf it’s only violin, I can do it too…
SakuyaI want to hear Citron-san play violin!
CitronI haven’t played violin at all since coming here, though. I don’t know if I still can play~.
ChikageIn the first place, we don’t even have a violin here.
ManagerWe have oone!
ManagerWe still have the musical instruments from back when the first-gen did an orchestra play!
Since they’re the real deal, the sound comes out properly!
ItaruHeh~. I expect no less from the first-gen, they were prosperous.
ChikageThe yakuza holds the pulse strings in our generation, after all.
ManagerI’ll bring it here, so please wait a minute!
IzumiWe do have it for real. It’s a decent violin.
Citron«...The strings are rusty, and the bow hair is all stretched out of shape. But there aren’t any broken nor peeled off parts, so I think it’ll still make a sound.»
SakuyaHuh? What is that?
ChikageThe violin doesn’t have any broken nor peeled off parts, so it looks like sound will still come out.
ItaruIs he tuning?
ChikageHis way of holding the instrument looks like someone who knows how to play, too.
SakuyaHe looks cool!
Citron«...This should be okay.»
IzumiOooh, it makes a sound!
SakuyaSo this is what a violin sounds like, huh.
TsuzuruBy the way, I feel like I’ve heard this song before——.
MasumiSmash, smash….
ItaruSmash as always. The sesame miso paste, smash [1]
TsuzuruThat’s it!
IzumiWhy do you have to play that song, out of all things!?
TsuzuruIt sounded really moving when you played it like that!
MasumiCan you really play?
CitronI was just kidding! Tehepero. I can play these kinds of songs well too, see.
Citron«Just as I thought, my fingers are not moving like they used to in the past...»
That’s pretty much of it~.
SakuyaYou’re awesome, Citron-san!
TsuzuruI think you’ll be popular if you truly held your tongue.
ItaruA real prince.
IzumiCitron-kun, that was really beautiful!
MasumiI can do that much…
——Hand me the violin.
CitronOh, I’ve been rolled!
ChikageDo you mean robbed?
SakuyaThe sound comes out!
IzumiYou’re amazing, Masumi-kun. This is your first time, right?
ItaruThere, there. Don’t get so worked up.
TsuzuruYou can already make a sound despite playing it for the first time—that’s good enough.
MasumiShut up! I’ll play the violin too for our next play. I’ll play just like Citron did.
SakuyaWill we have two people play the violin?
ChikageWhat kind of story will it be, then? Is it something like—a story of two people having a showdown?
TsuzuruWith violins?
ItaruSo it’s a new kind of superhero story where the characters use violins as weapons and fight, huh.
TsuzuruThat kind of story might exist, but it doesn’t look like something that Spring Troupe would perform, you know!
IzumiIf we do a play set in college or a school of music, then I think it won’t be strange to have a lot of musical instruments appear onstage.
MasumiI’m okay with anything as long as I get to play the violin.
IzumiCan you write something like that, Tsuzuru-kun?
TsuzuruAh, well, I got inspired by the song from earlier, so I think I can do it.
IzumiThat song is really beautiful, after all.
TsuzuruI want to put it in the play, too.
CitronBut it’ll be an incomplete song if it’s only played by one violin.
SakuyaHuh? What do you mean?
ManagerAh, could it be that the song is meant to be played by a duo or quartet?
CitronDing dong. This song is Mozart’s “String Quartet”.
ManagerThat’s right. How about putting a quartet in the story as well, then?
The group will consist of two violins, a viola and a cello, so personally, I think it’s perfect!
ItaruManager is good at something. How rare….
TsuzuruAnd he’s talking about decent things for once…
ManagerDo you think that low of me…!?
Leave all things about music to me! I more or less can play any type of instruments, after all!
IzumiIt’s unusual for manager to look like someone who can do anything, it’s suspicious…
TsuzuruI feel like there will be a trap, somehow.
ItaruBad end flag, huh.
ChikageI can imagine Manager breaking all the instruments on the first day of the play.
ItaruThat will happen for sure.
ManagerYou all are being cruel to me…!
CitronDon’t worry, guys. The fact that this instrument was not broken is surely thanks to Isuke’s management.
IzumiIs that so?
ManagerHuh? Uhh, well, I accidentally found that instrument in the warehouse yesterday…. I actually forgot that it even existed.
TsuzuruYou really are hopeless!
IzumiNo matter how many times I think about it, I can’t leave things to you…
ManagerBut I really can play instruments!
IzumiWell, since we don’t have any connections, should we ask manager to help coach for our musical performance…?
ManagerLeave it to me!
ChikageBut isn’t it still difficult for us to be able to play that song before the performance?
IzumiYou have a point. Generally, I think we can arrange the original recording and play it during the play.
CitronI’ll also help teach.
IzumiThen, Citron-kun, can you teach Masu——.
MasumiI can learn by myself.
I’ll make you fall for me with my violin performance.
IzumiHuh? Eh, hold on, Masumi-kun——.
SakuyaHe’s gone…
TsuzuruDoes that guy understand our main priority is the play, not the violin?
ItaruHe got motivated in a strange way.
IzumiF-for now, that’s all for our upcoming play. I’m counting on you, Tsuzuru-kun.
TsuzuruRoger that.
IzumiWell then, should we end the meeting here?
SakuyaThank you for your hard work!
CitronGood job~.
ChikageGreat work.
TsuzuruGood job.
Itaru...Ah, Tsuzuru.
ItaruPlaying instruments is NG for me.
TsuzuruHuh? Why——.
ItaruDo you want to see me making weird dance moves while holding an instrument onstage?
Tsuzuru….Got it.
TsuzuruWhat’s wrong, Citron-san?
CitronIt’s important to wipe the instrument’s rosin before putting it back to its case, you see~.
TsuzuruIs rosin this white powder?
CitronYes. Sound won’t come out if we don’t attach this to the bow.
TsuzuruHeh~. I see.
Anyway, what kind of song is the one from earlier?
Citron——, you know.
TsuzuruHuh… Ah, I see. That’s why you played it.
CitronThat’s right.
«The route which Onii-sama took to sneak away should be this one…»
Mika«Who’s there——!?»
Mika«What were you doing this late at night——.»
Tangerine«——Follow me! This is an order!»
Mika«Eh!? Ple-Please wait——!»
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  1. Basically, Citron is playing classic children song “Zui Zui Zukkorobashi” (listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUN2gjSjqAg)
