Fantastic Fairy Tail/Episode 3

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Fantastic Fairy Tail
Episode 3
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by rainbowpacifiers here.
MukuThanks for waiting. I tried collecting 3 fairy tales through careful selection.
IzumiWhich fairy tales did you choose?
Muku“Peter Pan”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Hänsel and Gretel”.
ItaruOoh, all of them are famous stories.
YukiBut even if you know the tale’s title, you might not really know the plot, right?
MukuThe details of the story may also differ depending on the book.
At the same time, even if it’s the same tale, what you know of it may change little by little depending on the person.
KazunariMukkun, can we ask you to describe them?
MukuSure. But if I read all of it, it might run too long, so I will read each of them halfway...
Then I will start with “Peter Pan” first.
One night. Mary, the mother of the Darling family, found that Peter Pan had stepped into her children’s bedroom.
Peter Pan fled after being barked at by Nana the dog, and only his shadow was left behind.
Mary kept that shadow in her drawer.
A few days later.
While Mr. and Mrs. Darling had left for a dinner party, Peter Pan sneaked into the children’s bedroom to retrieve his own shadow.
While he found the shadow, he couldn’t re-attach it, causing him to burst into tears.
The oldest daughter of the Darling family, Wendy, who awoke because of his cries, heard the situation from Peter Pan and sewed the shadow back on his feet for him.
Peter Pan would occasionally come into the children’s bedroom to listen to stories, and talked to Wendy about running away from home out of dislike for growing up.
Wendy, who was asked to become a mother to the boys who had gotten lost, at first refused that request, but because she was so moved by Peter Pan’s story, she departed for Neverland with her younger brothers John and Michael at her side–
From here on out starts the adventure of Peter Pan, Wendy and the others, but because it will run too long, I’ll stop here.
KazunariI wanna know how it continues~!
IzumiPeter Pan has this strong and cool image, but him crying because he couldn’t re-attach his shadow shows that he has a child-like side as well.
MasumiSo you think of Peter Pan as strong and cool?
IzumiHuh? Yeah, I think he kind of has that image...
MasumiThen I will be Peter Pan–
ItaruMuku, you can continue with the next story.
MukuO-, okay! Next is “Little Red Riding Hood”.
One day, Little Red Riding Hood was asked by her mother to pay her grandmother a visit. To her mother, who said not to diverge from the path because it was dangerous outside, Little Red Riding Hood replied that she would be fine, and headed toward her grandmother’s house.
Once she entered the forest, Little Red Riding Hood met a Big Bad Wolf.
‘Where are you going?’
‘What do you have in your basket?’
‘Where is your grandmother’s house?’
Little Red Riding Hood answered everything just as the Wolf had asked.
The Wolf, who had listened, considered eating Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood, who was encouraged by the Wolf to play among the beautiful flowers that were blooming, went deep into the woods to pick flowers for her grandmother.
In the meantime, the Wolf went to grandmother’s house and swallowed the sleeping grandmother.
After some time, Little Red Riding Hood went to grandmother’s house with the bouquet she had made, but noticed that her grandmother’s appearance was different from usual–
YukiEven though she was told not to make a side trip... she’s careless, that Little Red Riding Hood.
KazunariYou know that it will have a happy ending, but it still makes you feel anxious, right?~
IzumiEven among the 3 fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood is especially famous, and up to this point, it unfolded the same way I knew.
ItaruI feel like the story that I know is a little different...
IzumiEh, there were differences?
KazunariMukkun did say that the content may be different depending on the person, so it was probably good that we had him describe them to us!
TasukuSakisaka’s explanations are easy to understand.
MukuEhehe... that you guys were listening so earnestly makes me happy too.
Now then, I’ll proceed with the last story, “Hänsel and Gretel”!
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