Exciting! Misoshiosa Island/Episode 8

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Exciting! Misoshiosa Island
Episode 8
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IzumiThe play just now was really good! Even Kumon-kun is getting quite accustomed to etude.
KumonReally? Yeaaaay!
IzumiWell then, let’s take a short break..
TaichiYeah! Break time!
KumonAh! Lying down on the beach seems nice~! I’ll do it too!
TaichiAmazing… There is no cloud; the sky is clear.
MukuThe sunlight and wind feel nice.
TenmaBut, isn’t an island weather usually uncertain like a mountain weather?
JuzaNow that you mention it, the fishing boat uncle said the same thing.
MisumiThe sound of the wave is a good sound~.
SakyoOi, until when are you going to keep sleeping? Let’s continue our practice quickly.
AzamiTch. The break time ends too soon..
KazunariFuruche-san is as spartan as usual!
BanriAll right, now that the morning practice has ended, should we go gathering food?
KumonI’m going to catch bigger fish than yesterday~!
YukiYesterday’s mushrooms were unexpectedly delicious. Should we try to walk some more today?
MisumiYes! Let’s try!
IzumiShall we go too, then?
MukuAh, sorry. Can you wait a little bit? There’s something I want to bring today just in case– –.
MukuThanks for waiting! The preparation is all OK now. Let’s go, Director-san!
IzumiNow that I think about it, I wonder in which area the mythical flower is. I wonder what kind of flower it is.
MukuIt makes you curious, right. Things that you can hardly find are indeed strange.
IzumiAh, we passed by this big tree too yesterday. Since we went to the right yesterday, should we try going left this time?
––This should be enough.
IzumiMuku-kun? What’s wrong?
MukuAh, sorry! I’ll catch up!
Izumi(It seems Muku-kun has been stopping from time to time… I wonder what is wrong.)
IzumiUggh, we have walked pretty far, but it looks like there aren’t many fruits here. I haven’t found the so-called mythical flower either…
MukuI know, right… It looks like it’s going to rain soon too…
IzumiHuh, it really did after you said it…!
MukuLe, let’s take shelter from the rain for now!
IzumiThank goodness there’s a place for us to take shelter from the rain for now…
MukuI don’t know there’s a cave in such a place.
IzumiI don’t think the rain will stop anytime soon, so we have no choice but to stay here… Muku-kun, do you not feel cold?
MukuAh, I’m not! Thank you for your concern.
IzumiI wonder if everyone else is taking shelter from the rain too… I hope they’re safe.
AzamiWhat a heavy rain… We were right to quickly return to the camp.
SakyoMost of the guys have come back. ….The ones missing are Director-san and Sakisaka.
TenmaThey’re in the forest, aren’t they? I wonder if they’re all right.
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