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Exciting! Misoshiosa Island
Episode 8
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Izumi | The play just now was really good! Even Kumon-kun is getting quite accustomed to etude. |
Kumon | Really? Yeaaaay! |
Izumi | Well then, let’s take a short break.. |
Taichi | Yeah! Break time! |
Kumon | Ah! Lying down on the beach seems nice~! I’ll do it too! |
Taichi | Amazing… There is no cloud; the sky is clear. |
Muku | The sunlight and wind feel nice. |
Kazunari | Yeap~! |
Tenma | But, isn’t an island weather usually uncertain like a mountain weather? |
Juza | Now that you mention it, the fishing boat uncle said the same thing. |
Misumi | The sound of the wave is a good sound~. |
Sakyo | Oi, until when are you going to keep sleeping? Let’s continue our practice quickly. |
Azami | Tch. The break time ends too soon.. |
Kazunari | Furuche-san is as spartan as usual! |
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Banri | All right, now that the morning practice has ended, should we go gathering food? |
Kumon | I’m going to catch bigger fish than yesterday~! |
Yuki | Yesterday’s mushrooms were unexpectedly delicious. Should we try to walk some more today? |
Misumi | Yes! Let’s try! |
Izumi | Shall we go too, then? |
Muku | Ah, sorry. Can you wait a little bit? There’s something I want to bring today just in case– –. |
Izumi | ? |
Muku | Thanks for waiting! The preparation is all OK now. Let’s go, Director-san! |
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Izumi | Now that I think about it, I wonder in which area the mythical flower is. I wonder what kind of flower it is. |
Muku | It makes you curious, right. Things that you can hardly find are indeed strange. |
Izumi | Ah, we passed by this big tree too yesterday. Since we went to the right yesterday, should we try going left this time? |
Muku | Yes! |
| ––This should be enough. |
Izumi | Muku-kun? What’s wrong? |
Muku | Ah, sorry! I’ll catch up! |
Izumi | (It seems Muku-kun has been stopping from time to time… I wonder what is wrong.) |
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Izumi | Uggh, we have walked pretty far, but it looks like there aren’t many fruits here. I haven’t found the so-called mythical flower either… |
Muku | I know, right… It looks like it’s going to rain soon too… |
Izumi | Huh, it really did after you said it…! |
Muku | Le, let’s take shelter from the rain for now! |
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Izumi | Thank goodness there’s a place for us to take shelter from the rain for now… |
Muku | I don’t know there’s a cave in such a place. |
Izumi | I don’t think the rain will stop anytime soon, so we have no choice but to stay here… Muku-kun, do you not feel cold? |
Muku | Ah, I’m not! Thank you for your concern. |
Izumi | I wonder if everyone else is taking shelter from the rain too… I hope they’re safe. |
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Azami | What a heavy rain… We were right to quickly return to the camp. |
Sakyo | Most of the guys have come back. ….The ones missing are Director-san and Sakisaka. |
Tenma | They’re in the forest, aren’t they? I wonder if they’re all right. |
Omi | ….. |
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