Cosmetic Syndrome/Episode 9

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation by Ranka here.

Cosmetic Syndrome
Episode 9
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YukiWe’re back.
GuyWe have returned.
IzumiWelcome back you two!
AzamiI’ll do your make up now. Looks like we’ll be just in time.
TsuzuruYeah, that’s good.
CitronFinally, you useless piece of junk! Bring your phone next time you decide to leave!
IzumiI got the message from Yuki, is that little girl alright?
GuyWe were able to reunite her with her mother without a problem.
IzumiOh, that’s great.
TsuzuruGood job, you two.
BanriOkay with that settled where is that super important plushie that caused all this commotion?
HomareDid you guys not end up finding it?
YukiOh, we did, but we gave it away.
AzamiWhat’s the story behind this?
GuyApologies. It’s a long story that we will save for later.
YukiBut now my lines won’t make sense without the plushie, I don’t know what we should do.
.. Director, where did we put that thing from yesterday?
IzumiWhat thing?
YukiAlrighty, got it.
TsuzuruWho would have thought those rabbit goods we got the other day would come in handy at the last minute.
BanriI’m glad we had left the bag in the car.
IzumiI already told the park’s supervisor that we were going to use this plushie for the time being, but he actually ended up thanking us for promoting the park’s merchandise.
He said we are free to use this plushie in our performance as well.
HomareAnd it all worked out in the end.
CitronDespite the road blocks, we were able to prepare our make up and costumes just in time! Good timing, ne!
GuyIt is all thanks to everyone’s hard work. Thank you.
AzamiSo then, let’s head off.
GuyYes, let’s head to the stage.
IzumiGood luck everyone!
Violet“It seems like everyone is here.”
Peppermint“Yes, we’re all here.”
Violet“Great. Our master will be leaving for the Fairy Realm in a few days.”
“She has been debating on what sort of make up and outfit she should wear.”
“As her servants, she has asked us to give our recommendations.”
Rose Quartz“Yes! If you are looking for recommendations, let me recommend my colour, rose quartz! You can pair it with a matching outfit too.”
“I think master would look beautiful with an elegant rose look. You could sparkle just like the fairies.”
“Look, even Mr. Rabbit here agrees, you can leave it to us!”
“By the way, I wanna go to the Fairy Realm too. Hey hey, master, take me with you.”
“Don’t you wanna frolic around the Fairy Realm with me and Mr. Rabbit with our matching rose quartz ensemble?”
Cassis“No surprise this little brat is as immature as always.”
Rose Quartz“Heyyyy!!! What’s that supposed to mean, Cassi? Don’t go stealing my thunder!”
Cassis“.. Anyway, master, how about you try out my colour? It’s a beautiful Cassis.”
“It’s trendy and versatile. You can wear it with a cute outfit too or easily pair it with something a bit more cool.”
“What do you say? Don’t you want to look cool and pretty like me? I can show you how to wear this colour.”
Rose Quartz“Well aren’t you the narcissist out here calling yourself cool. Hey hey, right Mr. Rabbit?”
Cassis“Huh? What’s this about?”
Violet“Please calm down, you two.”
Lime“Master, I recommend my colour, lime!”
“It’s a colour that captures the freshness of green leaves, a colour so bittersweet it makes your heart race.”
“Look at my eyes and you can see! Hehe you can also see the beauty in my wink ☆ see it?”
Sunset“Hmm. That’s all nice, but let me show you my colour. Don’t you think sunset would be nice too?”
“It’s a colour that reflects the charms of the afternoon and evening. With such a wonderful colour like this, you are sure to draw the attention of all who look upon you.”
“A colour with a little sense of mystery, don’t you see it?”
“So what do you say? this colour would definitely suit you.”
Lime“You’re as out of touch as ever.”
Peppermint“I think everyone’s colours are nice, but master look over here! Don’t you want to try peppermint?”
“It’s a lively colour and a little bit different from all the rest. I think it is definitely a fun cololur!”
“You can sport it at a part or even when going out with a friend, it’s a versatile colour!”
Wine“Wait just a minute.”
“Sir, have you forgotten my colour? Wine is a mature and beautiful colour.”
“A colour of excellence and high class, this colour would be perfect for a night on the town.”
“So rich, so elegant..! Come now, you should choose wine, Sir!”
Violet“Master, may I recommend my own colour, violet?”
“I am sure master’s beauty would shine paired with this charming and high class violet colour.”
“What do you say? Would you like to try out a more mature look?”
“Each colour has their own charms.. Are you still lost?”
Rose Quartz“Heyyy, come on, choose my colour already!”
Violet“Well seeing how we all have strong feelings about this, maybe the best solution is to try out every colour for yourself?”
Cassis“Hmm, you know that’s not a bad idea.”
Wine“Hm? So after all this, are you implying we should all accompany master to the Fairy Realm and all go out.. together?”
Lime“Sounds good. Yeah, we would happily accompany you.”
Sunset“I guess that’s the only solution, we’ll go with you.”
Rose Quartz“Wow this suddenly got more interesting! Hey, master!”
Peppermint“How exciting. I am glad you like all of our colours!”
Violet“I will be by your side no matter what. So then, shall we all head out?”
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