Cards/Tsuzuru Minagi/I Want to Walk in an Unknown Town

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I Want to Walk in an Unknown Town
Leader Skill 皆木家お土産ミッション
The Minagi Family's Souvenir Mission
Adlib Skill 思い出の味も半分こ
Share the Taste of Memories Too
Cardset hAve A greAt trip!
Card № 360



Being able to actually interact with the people and atmosphere in this city is valuable. All this experience will be good for my writing.


Card Stats

Lv. Co Ac Sr
1 1434 1023 1638
60 2850 2026 3290
+ 3090 2196 3570
++ 3330 2366 3850
🔥🔥🔥 4230 3266 4750

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 15 25
2 20 30
3 25 35
4 30 40

