Cards/Misumi Ikaruga/Captain Sky Pirates

From A3! Wiki
Serious.png Summer troupe.png N
Captain Sky Pirates
(Captain Sky Pirates) Misumi Serious N.png
(Captain Sky Pirates) Misumi Serious N+.png
Leader Skill 宝の地図を握りしめ
He Who Holds the Treasure Map
Adlib Skill ゆるチョロ船長
Lax Captain
Cardset Captain Sky Pirates



“Hoist the sails! Raise the anchor! Keep ‘er steady!”


Card Stats

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 664 933 1063
20 930 1332 1500
+ 1070 1542 1730
++ 1210 1752 1960
🔥🔥🔥 1810 2352 2560

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 10 10
2 20 12.5
3 30 15
4 40 17.5



Misumi 027 Chibi.png