Cards/Itaru Chigasaki/Salaryman Santa's Visit

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Salaryman Santa's Visit
Leader Skill これもまたオトナの特権
This Too Is Adult Privilege
Adlib Skill レトロゲーツリーは俺好み
The Retro Game Tree is My Style
Cardset Santa, Come to Town!
Card № 375



…I’m already at that age where you become Santa, huh. Being watched with sparkles in their eyes actually wasn’t bad.


“You should narrow it down to one thing you really want.” An appreciated proverb from Santa. Also known as an excuse.


Card Stats

Lv. Co Ac Sr
1 2029 1268 1778
80 4320 2690 3832
+ 4610 2870 4092
++ 4900 3050 4352
🔥🔥🔥 6100 4250 5552

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 20 35
2 25 40
3 30 45
4 35 50

