Captain Sky Pirates/Episode 1

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Captain Sky Pirates
Episode 1
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ーーSomewhere in the corner of this wide world, there was a poor man who lived in a deserted port city.
The man who was charmed by the sea became a pirate and eventually gained a lot of comrades. Having a lot of enemies running after his crew, they were soon called a big pirate.
The man who was captured by the navy and bounty hunters left his last message to his comrades.
Somewhere in the corner of this wide ocean, he left his treasure in a small island. This is a story about the parting gift of a poor man who shared his hardship with the seaーー.
IzumiI'm homeー.
ーーHm? Did something just fly by?
A paper airplane, huh....
Eh, there are a lot of them flying. I wonder who did this...
(Eh? Now that I think about it, something like this happened before.)
MisumiThis time is a triangle jet~!
MukuMisumi-san's airplane flies the furthest, huh.
Izumi....Just as I thought.
KazunariMine is a pisa-tower-style airplane~.
YukiIt's crooked, though.
KazunariBut I think it'll fly further, you know!
MisumiTenma, are you done?
TenmaWait, I'm still making an improvement for my airplane.
IzumiDid everyone make a paper airplane?
MisumiAh, it's Director-san~.
MukuMisumi-san was making a paper airplane, so I decided to join him.
And before I notice, all five of us ended up making it...
MisumiManager collected a lot of paper~.
Izumi(They're close as always.)
KazunariDirector-chan should join too!
YukiWhoever flies their airplane the furthest will get their wish granted.
IzumiThat gets me going all of sudden! Give me a sheet.
TenmaOkay, I'm done. It's perfect.
MisumiThen, once Director-san finishes her airplane, let's go fly it in the courtyard~!
Tenma....tch, you've gotta be kidding me. My lightning can only fly this far...!?
YukiWhat an embarassing name.
TenmaWhat did you say!? If you give affection to this kind of thing, it'll fly further.
MukuIs that so?
TenmaI decided so just now.
YukiIt didn't fly, though.
KazunariEhー. Mine took a u-turn, so it didn't fly any further.
YukiThat's to be expected, yours is crooked, after all.
KazunariI already calculated the wind direction, you know. It seems a bit strange.
MukuMine flew to the foot of this tree!
IzumiMine is gone to the hedge over there.
YukiHeh, your airplanes flew well.
MisumiMine flew to the roof~.
IzumiEh!? To the roof!? Amazing!
YukiAs I thought, Misumi is first.
KazunariSo the order is Sumi, Director-chan, Mukkun, Yukki, me, and last is Tenten, huh.
TenmaUgh, why....
MukuMisumi-san, is there anything that you wish for?
YukiIt has to be something involving triangle, right.
MisumiI want to light fireworks with everyone in Summer Troupe again!
KazunariGood idea!
TenmaJust like before, huh.
IzumiOnce we finish Summer Troupe's third play, let's go lighting up fireworks.
IzumiWell then, let's pick up our airplanes!
Tsumugi....It's about time to add fertilizer to this one.
TsumugiTsuzuru-kun, I'm sorry, but can you hand me the plastic bagーー.
TsuzuruAh, sorry, This plastic bag, right?
TsumugiThanks. Are you thinking about the script for the next play?
TsumugiI'm sorry you have to help me when you're busy.
TsuzuruDon't mind it. Rather than sitting around, I may get struck with an idea if I move my hand silently.
TsumugiI see. Come to think of it, I heard an idea will come when you're taking a walk.
TsuzuruIn Spring Troupe's last play, a lot ideas blew into me. There are many things that I want to do, and they're all scattered.
TsumugiIsn't that a good thing?
TsuzuruYeah. Ah, what should I do with this pot?
TsumugiI think you can put it together here.
A paper airplane...?
TsumugiAh, it seems the Summer Troupe were playing with paper airplane this afternoon.
TsuzuruWhat are they? Grade schoolers?
This paper is a garbage, right?
This is....
TsumugiWhat's wrong?
TsuzuruPlease look at this.
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