All of Their 'Marry me!'s/Epilogue

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All of Their 'Marry me!'s
Previous Event Story
Izumi(Today is the day where the final episode of Tenma's drama airs…)
TsuzuruWhen we filmed it I got immersed in the filming, but seeing it on TV makes me nervous again…
TaichiAh, you guys came on screen! Amazing! It's your drama debut!
MisumiYou're right~! We are on the screen~!
OmiMe appearing in a drama, is a mysterious feeling somehow.
BanriBut, we don't look awkward like I thought we would look?
TenmaRight, you're saying the lines naturally, and you look photogenic.
IzumiThe scene where the glass got broken, is edited well too!
GuyIt doesn't look like we had unexpected troubles here. It looks like the scene was supposed to be this way from the beginning.
BanriThat's also thanks to Homare-san covering for us.
TaichiViewers who don’t know the circumstances, will never notice it! They would probably only think "those are some outstanding extras"!
HomareHm, my poem as well looks like part of the acting!
TaichiHuh~! It was such a moving finale~! I'm happy Ten-chan's character was able to find happiness!
TenmaIt's thanks to all of you that the final episode could be aired safely.
Back then when Alice-san said you would play the grooms, it was a huge help.
HomareThere is no need to thank me.
In the beginning, you said you want it to be a good finale right Tenma-kun. I just wanted to give a hand to that wish of yours.
KazunariY'all~! I kept you waiting! The pamphlet from the other day, it's ready!
BanriOh, so it's done.
MisumiWoah, let me see let me see~!
KazunariSure thing! You guys look awesome~!
IzumiWoah, you're right. It has a really nice feel to it.
TsuzuruThey used more photos than I thought.
GuySo they were taking pictures from this angel too. I did not notice.
OmiGuy-san, like I thought you have a good style so you look very photogenic.
TenmaAlice-san, how to say it, you look showy even through photos.
HomareFufu, you think so too? You as well Tenma-kun, each expression of yours is wonderful.
KazunariThis is gonna become reference for future grooms y'know!
TaichiAh, Ban-chan you're laughing here! It's a rare shot isn't it!
BanriAhh—that's Homare-san's fault.
OmiBut it's a very natural smile, it's a good photo.
TsuzuruArisugawa-san and Banri pair is interesting too.
MisumiAlice and Banri, looks like they're having fun~.
Izumi…hm? Someone's phone is ringing isn't it?
HomareOya, please excuse me. It is mine.
…ooh! Will you look at that!
GuyWhat happened?
HomareIt is a request for a new writing job! It is a commission to send poems to couples who are getting married!
IzumiCan it be…
GuyBecause of the drama?
TenmaIt has just finished airing after all.
HomareWonderful! There is no doubt my poems of love will pierce through people's hear--.
MisumiEh, it's ringing again~?
BanriMore like hasn't it been ringing nonstop for a while now?
HomareOoh, they are coming one after the other… an uncountable number of commissions are coming my way!
OmiNothing less from a drama aired nationwide.
TsuzuruSo Arisugawa-san got even more fans now…?
MisumiAlice, you're popular~!
HomareHa Ha Ha, everyone is wishing for my artistic blessings of love.
GuyHm, the pamphlet is ready, the drama has been aired safely, and it seems like Arisugawa's poems are popular, that is good.
HomareNow that it came to this, I shall start working right away!
IzumiEh, right now!? But it's already late…
HomareMy inspiration has been provoked and will not stop flowing! I want to write them down right away, the overflowing poems of blessing…!
Well then, I shall return to my room.
TaichiWorking at this hour is amazing~.
TsuzuruI do understand the feeling of wanting to write it down while you're inspired but…
Izumi(Such vitality…!)
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