Act 9/Episode 26

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Act 9
Episode 26: Eternal Unrequited Love
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Taichi“Have you always been here, Lucifer?”
“Ooh, so you will appear whenever you’re summoned. That’s convenient.”
TsumugiShall we take a little break? I’ve made some coffee.
TaichiAh! Thanks!
Ugh… it’s a black coffee, what an acquired taste.
TsumugiSorry. Should I bring some milk or sugars?
TaichiNo, it’s fine!
TsumugiI rarely stay awake until this late.
TaichiThe last time we did it was when you helped me prepare for the entrance exam.
TsumugiYeah… We had a pretty hard time back then. I’m glad you could safely pass the exam, though.
TaichiIt was all thanks to Tsumugi-san. My parents are also very grateful and adore you every day.
TsumugiAhaha. It was also because you worked hard that you could pass.
TsumugiBut don’t push yourself too hard this time, okay? Sakyo-san is also worried.
TsumugiHe asked me to keep an eye on you so that what happened during “Mantou Fist” won’t happen again.
TaichiOh, I see. Sakyo-nii is such a worrywart.
TsumugiThough it seems like you’re not getting that carried away.
TaichiAh, yeah…
I’m still afraid to perform in front of Reni-san again, but… this time I want to show him my bare self.
I had Tsuzuru-kun watch my portrait and asked him to give me a role that lets me make use of my life experience.
I want to show him the me who had always been swayed by my surroundings, the me who is plain and tiny, and the me who I have always hated.
I might not be able to show him a gorgeous performance, but if we’re going to do it, I wanna fight him with my bare self.
—It’s all thanks to the Autumn Troupe members that I can think that way.
TsumugiI get you.
My fellow Winter Troupe members are the reason why I can gain confidence as an actor. I want to perform in front of Kamikizaka-san because of them too.
I want to use the confidence I got from them all to stand on stage, perform without any regrets and take a step forward.
TaichiIKR! And then, now that we’re much more confident than before, we feel like we’ve become much better actors.
TsumugiYeah… For some reason, I’ve started to look forward to the opening day that makes us anxious.
TaichiMe too!
By the way, Tsumugi-san, is your devil role-building going smoothly?
Tsumugi...Have you ever had an unrequited love, Taichi-kun?
Of… course I have!?
TsumugiI asked Homare-san, Hisoka-kun, and Azuma-san a lot of things to get some clues for my role-building.
I chose them since I was sure they have a totally different life experience from me.
I received a lot of clues from each of them, but Azuma-san particularly told me that Lucifer’s desire to save Mark is like an intense, one-sided attachment. It’s like an unrequited love that will never be reciprocated.
He then asked me whether there’s something that I’m intensely attached to like Lucifer.
TaichiI see… so that explains the unrequited love part.
TsumugiYeah. I’ve given it much thought after that…
In my life, there’s only one thing that I’m strongly attached to, that I keep thinking about even when I’m asleep or awake.
TaichiEh!? You have that kind of person in your life!?
TsumugiIt’s acting.
TsumugiNo matter how many times I stood on the stage, I still want to go up again. Even when I think that I’ve done it, I believe I can do more. That’s the kind of attachment I have.
I think my feelings towards theater are like an eternal unrequited love.
I know it’s sad to call it unrequited, but… perhaps, I will also love such pain that is forever unquenchable.
TaichiSo mature! Can I use that part just now one day!?
TsumugiEh? I wonder if that was a little bit too much of a show-off.
Reni—That’s all for today.
All of you can leave except for Shifuto.
ReniRecite the first and last line again.
ReniNo, that’s wrong. I’ve told you a million times. Do it again.
ReniWhat’s the matter?
ShifutoWho do you want me to be?
…a “God.”
GOD-za is a theater troupe that’s established in order to… get closer to God.
Reni—Forget it. Let’s wrap up the individual training for today.
ShifutoAh, please wait—.
*door closes*
Just what the hell is “God”!? I don’t get it!
—Ah, the flyers for the Showdown Act are done.
(Lead actor: Shifuto Arakawa. Seeing this again gets me fired up.)
(The cast for MANKAI Company…)
(So you’re joining too… Azami.)
(I was wondering whether or not he’d join, but it turns out he’s really joining, huh. I can’t lose.)
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