Act 6/Episode 22

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Act 6
Episode 22: Yearning for the Heavens[1]
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Tenma“It’s a tiny, weak baseball club that loses every game anyway.”
“I hear you even lost a called game the other day. Isn’t it better if it disappears?”
Tenma“...Fine, I get it.”
“Just to be clear, it’s only till you find someone to take my place. I don’t intend to form a battery with you ever again.”
Wh-what is it. I can’t focus with you staring at me like that.
YukiYou’re not losing focus because I’m staring at you.
YukiI can totally tell that you’re trying to forget about the movie offer by running away to your Summer Troupe practice.
TenmaWh—That’s not it, I just want to prioritize Summer Troupe’s performance!
YukiYou’re going to give up your chance to make your dream come true for that? You’re going to use us as a reason to give up?
TenmaThat’s not it!
YukiYou’re just not confident, huh? Even if you do go, you might be no good, just like during the audition.
TenmaWhat was that!?
YukiIf that’s not it, then just be honest and say you want to go.
TenmaI don’t want to go!
YukiYou’re lying.
TenmaI’m not lying!
YukiThen why are you throwing away the perfect opportunity?
YukiSo you’re just intimidated.
YukiYou said you could handle audition practice on top of our usual practice, but in the end, you’re useless when it really counts!
TenmaWho are you calling useless!?
*Door opens*
IzumiH-hey, you two!?
MukuTenma-kun, Yuki-kun, both of you need to calm down!
MisumiNo fighting~!
KumonWhat’s wrong!?
YukiI’m saying that’s why you’re useless!
KazunariAah, Yukki, calm down....
YukiEveryone in Summer Troupe wants to support you, Tenma. It’s simple; why don’t you get it?
IzumiOh, so that’s why you were fighting about.
YukiGeez, what a pain....
KazunariTenten, go to the movie filming~. You don’t have to worry about us. We’ll be fine.
MukuThat’s right. It makes us happy when you’re working hard towards your dream, Tenma-kun.
KumonTenma-san! I’ll work on my acting until you come back!
MisumiTenma, everyone is rooting for you~.
IzumiTenma-kun. Don’t worry about practice.
Whatever you gain by taking a role in this movie, it’ll be an asset to Summer Troupe’s performance, so—you should go.
IzumiTenma-kun, are you finished packing?
TenmaYeah. I don’t need to bring much anyway.
IzumiYou’re going to sweep every single lead actor award in existence, right? This is the first step.
TenmaI’m still far from my goal, but yeah.
Right now, I’m still yearning for a distant goal that I can only turn my eyes up to.
This movie offer is just one step towards that. Summer Troupe’s performance, too—.
Acting with them is a necessary step towards a future that lies far ahead.
That’s why I definitely won’t do a half-hearted job.
IzumiYes. I’m sure you’ll make both the movie and the performance a success, Tenma-kun.
Tenma—Of course.
MukuYou’re leaving tomorrow, huh~.
KazunariTenten, make sure you get us gifts, kk~?
TenmaI’m not going on vacation, okay?
IzumiLet’s pray that Tenma-kun’s filming is a success—cheers!
KazunariHere, Tenten.
TenmaWhat’s this?
KazunariOkayu and udon for good luck. Eat them when you miss Japanese food over there~.
TenmaThat’s a surprisingly practical gift.
YukiThis is from me.
TenmaWhat is this....
YukiCheck out all these old clothes and fabrics while you’re there.
TenmaSo it’s a shopping list...!
MukuFrom me and Kyu-chan... here!
KumonDo your best, Tenma-san!
Tenma...A passport case, huh. Thanks.
MisumiTenma gets lonely easily, so... here, a special Sankaku-kun so that Tenma won’t get lonely~.
TenmaI don’t get lonely! And what’s with this giant plushie! It’s not gonna fit in my suitcase!
MisumiYou should hug it when you’re on the plane~.
TenmaWhat am I, a toddler!?
YukiOh, I forgot. Take this too.
TenmaWhat, another shopping list? Will you stop with—.
TenmaThis is....
YukiA keyholder. I made it from the scraps of our costumes for this performance.
Tenma...A baseball. Well, since you went through the trouble, I guess I’ll take it.
YukiShow us your not-useless side once in a while.
YukiWe’ll deepen our ties as Summer Troupe while Tenma is away, so.
KazunariTenten, you’re panicking~.
MisumiTenma really does get lonely easily~.
TenmaSh-shut up!
YukiDon’t worry. In the week you’re gone, we’ll make sure we grow, too. We’ll be completely different when you come back.
Tenma...I’m looking forward to it.
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  1. When A3! released giant posters in Ikebukuro in February 2017, Summer Troupe's catchphrase was "天に焦がれる、夏。"—essentially the same as this chapter title. Each troupe's catchphrase featured the first kanji of the troupe leader's first name. The "天" in Tenma's name means "heavens"
