Act 4/Episode 17

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Act 4
Episode 17: A Fun Quarrel
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IzumiNow then, I’d like to start the meeting regarding the details of the Winter Troupe’s debut performance.
The person in charge of the script, Tsuzuru, and the person in charge of the costumes, Yuki, will also be participating.
TsuzuruLooking forward to working with you.
YukiI look forward to working with you.
IzumiThe theme is “Angels”, but how should we go about presenting that...
HomareWell of course, the script and costumes must be beautiful, sublime, and magnificent works of art.
IzumiIndeed, when everyone hears the word “angel”, what they imagine is something of that sense.
TasukuThat’s GOD-za’s forte and most probably the course of action they’ll take. We’ll be no match for them if we go that same direction.
YukiAre you saying that our level here is too low?
TasukuWhat I mean is that our budget here is different.
Using the same tactics against an opponent that has really flashy production, really flashy costumes, and uses famous people for guest appearances puts us at a real disadvantage.
TsumugiBut it’s not like we’re saying that we should go with something flashy. If the audience say it’s good, then it’s good.
TasukuIf you watch our performance right after theirs, we’ll obviously pale in comparison if we go the same direction.
TsumugiEven so, we’ll betray the audience’s expectations if we take a different direction from the angel theme.
TasukuI’m not saying that we should take a completely different direction.
Izumi(They’re not fighting again, are they...?)
TsumugiThen what do you want to do?
TasukuWe’ll expand on the mental images we can make from “Angels.” Then, we’ll create a different picture of “Angels” from GOD-za.
TsumugiThe mental images we can make from “Angels,” huh...
AzumaLike holiness and purity?
TsuzuruThere’s also a lot of tragedies in movies with angels.
TasukuThat’s not bad. I want to set us apart from GOD-za with a subtle performance.
TsumugiI’m sure there will be a lot of GOD-za fans in the audience that will evaluate us, so we should go with a play that makes the most out of Tasuku’s bold, intense acting instead.
TasukuWell sorry for dragging along GOD-za’s style with me.
TsumugiIn order to gather audience votes, our personal preferences don’t matter.
TasukuEasy for you to say...
Izumi(I wonder if those two are used to arguing like this. Their tone was pretty harsh, but they’re discussing theoretically.)
TsuzuruIf I were to write something with the Winter Troupe members in mind, I think it’ll turn into something with a mature and calm feel.
AzumaIn that case, subtle acting would probably be more suitable.
TsumugiThat’s true.
HomareHm... I reckon that we match the script and costumes with the play’s ambience and make them more reserved.
TasukuRight... I want it to leave an impact differently from how it’s been done before.
Yuki...I’ll give it a try.
IzumiOkay, so your debut performance will be a tragedy with a calm, mature feel and subtle acting. Shall we go with that?
Hisoka...I think that’s good.
HomareI’m also fine with that.
TasukuLet’s go with that.
TsumugiYou look happy, Tasuku.
(It doesn’t look like his expression changed at all though...)
TasukuWell. I’m excited to be in a play with a different feel to it after so long.
When I was at GOD-za, all they made me do was play refreshing prince roles in glittering settings.
HomareEven the top actor in a famous theatre troupe has their own problems.
TasukuAs a professional, I have to answer to what’s demanded from me though.
HomareNot being able to express yourself as you would like –– that is absolutely impossible for me.
TsuzuruBut, well, I’m pretty excited too. We haven’t done a tragedy before, so I want to try writing it soon.
IzumiCome to think of it, our plays have been comedies so far.
(It seems like it’s going to be a play different from the other troupes so far, so I’m excited too.)
TsumugiDirector, what are we doing in practice next week?
IzumiUntil the script is done, I was thinking of introducing pantomiming.
TasukuThat’ll be effective if we’re going with a subtle performance.
AzumaPantomiming is that thing that street performers do, right?
HomareIs that useful for acting?
TsumugiIt’s an inconspicuous aspect, but refining your expressiveness in accordance to your movements will make your acting more persuasive.
HomareOhh, I see.
IzumiHuh? Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru——It’s, done.
Hisoka...He collapsed.
TsumugiIs he okay?
IzumiYou wrote the script without sleeping again, didn’t you!? You have to get proper sleep!
IzumiGo rest on the sofa for now.
AzumaIs this the Winter Troupe play’s script?
TasukuLooks like it.
IzumiCan we read it?
(Did Tsuzuru-kun really write this? It has such a different feel to it that it makes you wonder.)
(It’s so melancholic and emotionally touching...)
Tsumugi...It’s a great script. There are so many lines that I want to say on stage soon.
HomareTruly beautiful...
AzumaYeah. Because it’s a tragic love, it’s holy and pure.
TasukuJust one thing, you should adjust the way the lines are spoken in this scene.
TasukuHere. It’ll shine more if it’s shorter.
Tsuzuru...I’ll fine-tune it once more.
TasukuTsumugi, let’s go through it together once.
TsumugiOh, okay——
HomareInitiating practice at once –– how strict; or cool, more like.
TsuzuruIt’s my first time writing a tragedy, so I wonder how it is. It’s probably lacking...
TsumugiIt’s fine. After all, it looks like Tasuku is itching to do it soon.
IzumiThat’s what his reaction just now meant!?
AzumaIt’s hard to tell; or rather, I couldn’t tell at all.
AzumaIt’s over if Hisoka calls you that.
IzumiAhaha, you’re right.
Okay everyone, tomorrow we’ll start reading out the script, so please make sure to read it well and get it in your head!
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