Act 10/Episode 38

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Act 10
Episode 38: New Theory: The Legend of Kurou
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Izumi(During Shoan era, at Gojo Ohashi Bridge in Kyoto--)
Benkei"That's a nice weapon you have there. Give it to me."
Kurou"Who are you?"
Benkei"I'm Benkei Musashibo. Now, let's have a fair fight--!"
Benkei"Take this!"
Kurou"For what reason are you collecting weapons?"
Benkei"To put my skills to the test. I shall collect 1,000 pieces to make a name for myself."
Kurou"How many do you have right now?"
Benkei"999. Yours will be the 1,000th one."
Kurou"I see. That's too bad, then."
Kurou"Your test of skill ends at the 999th piece."
Benkei"You are strong. Who are you?"
Kurou"The name's Kurou. With this, your sword is mine."
Kurou"Say, will you come with me? Let's get out and see a wider world, not just this narrow bridge. I'll make your name known throughout the nation."
Benkei"Interesting. I'm in."
*collapsing sounds*
Benkei"Hey, why are you sleeping out of nowhere? And you reek of alcohol!"
Benkei"Are you awake?"
Kurou"Um, uh, my apologies. Looks like you've been taking care of me."
Kurou"...W-Why are you following me!?"
Benkei"You were the one who told me to follow you!"
Benkei"Is this guy okay…"
Izumi(Both of them have good tempo and are in sync. I think this is the result of their Manzai performance.)
Hiro(They're doing that kind of action right from the beginning? Nice to be young... So he could move like that while in the air, huh.)
Merchant A"That Ushiwaka and Oniwaka[1] again!?"
Merchant B"Pick it up! Pick it up! This is Ushioni's[2] blessing!"
Government Official"Someone, capture them!"
Kurou"Hahaha! Serves you right! Your plan was amazing, Benkei! Did you see their surprised faces?"
Benkei"Those deplorables are simple-minded. They only look ahead."
"Putting that aside, I assume being a small-time crook like this is not the only thing we’re doing to make a name for ourselves in the nation, yes?"
Kurou"Indeed. I don't have any plans to end this in such a small city like this. The Minamoto clan will sally forth one day. Our era is coming."
"That is when your skill will be tested for real."
Benkei"I'm looking forward to that."
Kurou"I'll be counting on you."
Government Official"There they are! I found them! I found them!"
Kurou"Make sure not to get caught here, you hear me?"
Benkei"That should be my line."
Benkei"Hey, hold on, don't sleep! You've gotta run away!"
"E-Eeek! Where's this!?"
Benkei"Stop asking questions and run!"
Izumi(Kurou, after learning of an alleged plan to restore the Minamoto clan, came to Hidehara of Northern Fujiwara clan along with Benkei, who escaped Kurama-dera Temple.)
Hidehira"You have traveled so far."
Kurou"Thank you for helping us."
Yasuhira"Are they your guests, Father?"
Hidehira"That's rude. My apologies, Kurou-dono. This is my son, Yasuhira."
Yasuhira"Greetings. My name is Yasuhira."
Kurou"Nice to meet you."
Hidehira"Yasuhira, Kurou-dono is a genuine samurai. Learn some lessons from him."
Benkei"Fight's over!"
Yasuhira"*pants* *pants*...Just as I thought, Kurou-dono is strong."
Kurou"You also have the aptitude, Yasuhira-dono. By the way, who are they?"
Yasuhira"Ah, they are Tsugunobu and Tadanobu Sato."
Kurou"Since you two are here, why don't you join us?"
Tsugunobu"I shall refuse. I'm only keeping my eyes on Yasuhira-dono to make sure he's safe."
Tadanobu"Can we go for a round?"
Tsugunobu"Hey, Tadanobu."
Tadanobu"It's all right. I'll have them show us how strong they are."
Benkei"In that case, shall I take on the older brother?"
Tsugunobu"No, I--."
Tsugunobu"What are you doing so suddenly like that!? That is rude!"
Benkei"I just thought that'd motivate you."
*collapsing sounds*
Benkei"T-This is bad."
Kurou"Hnngh, huh? What am I…"
Tadanobu"I shall come after you, then."
*draws blade*
Kurou"I-I give up!"
Yasuhira"What happened, Kurou-dono?"
Tsugunobu"I don't think he's the same person as the one before."
Benkei"Come on, drink this to boost you up."
Kurou"Hnngh--*gulps* *gulps*"
"Shall we restart our round of sparring?"
Tadanobu"Whenever you like."
Tadanobu"--Hmph, I wonder if you were just acting earlier to put me off guard."
Tsugunobu"...It's strange."
Benkei"Hey, brother, looking away during a battle is dangerous, you know?"
Madoka(Nii-san has completely changed from his usual self. He looks like he's been possessed by his role. I really am no match for him.)
Kusumi(Misumi's talent is truly like Father's…)
Izumi(After learning that his brother, Yoritomo, raised an army, Kurou headed to Yoritomo's place alongside Benkei.)
(Hidehira sent his subordinates, the Sato brothers, to accompany Kurou.)
Tsugunobu"I can't believe we were told to follow Kurou-dono."
Tadanobu"He seems competent, though."
Tsugunobu"But he looks like a completely different person sometimes. Our Lord seems to be overrating him…"
Tadanobu"Well, isn't it better to head back to Oshu as soon as we join Kamakura-dono?"
Tsugunobu"Don't be silly. There's a chance our lord might tell us to check the situation in the Minamoto clan."
Tadanobu"You're so serious, Brother."
Izumi(Masumi-kun has completely grasped the brotherly closeness his character has with Misumi's. He's able to show the comfort that only brothers have."
Kurou"Minamoto no Yoshitsune. I rushed here as soon as I heard news that you are raising an army."
Yoritomo"I'm glad you came, Kurou. Let's do our best to restore the Minamoto clan together."
Yoritomo"It's a sheer pleasure to meet the brother that I have been separated from. You've endured the hard times well."
Yoritomo"Do not worry. From now on, this is our era."
Syu(Heh, he's good at making Yoritomo's views felt. He makes use of his true nature really well.)
Izumi(Kurou's party, who was ordered to help Yoritomo enter the capital and subjugate Yoshinaka Kiso, attacked Kiso's army at the Ujigawa River. Yoshinaka was put to rout.)
(Ordered to search for and kill the Taira clan after that, Kurou and the others attempted a surprise attack at Ichinotachi.)
Tsugunobu"Run down the cliffs with these horses, you say!?"
Tadanobu"Are you serious?"
Tsugunobu"It's too reckless!"
Benkei"Since we're going to ambush them, this is the best plan."
Kurou"N-N-N-N-N-N-No way! There's no way I could do it!"
Benkei"Now, now. Consider it again after you drink a cup."
Kurou"Why should I drink sake at su--*gulps* *gulps*."
Benkei"So what should we do?"
Kurou"That's a good plan. You always come up with interesting things, Benkei."
Tsugunobu"Whaaaat!? Are we going to do it for real!?"
Tadanobu"You changed your opinion so easily."
Kurou"Those who are willing, follow me!"
Benkei"How about the brothers over there? We will not force you. It'll be a problem if you get in our way."
Tsugunobu"What did you--!?"
Tadanobu"I've been curious about this for a while. Why are you following Kurou-dono, Benkei-dono?"
Benkei"I just think it might be interesting."
Tadanobu"Interesting…? Is that all?"
Tsugunobu"Something is wrong with him!"
Tadanobu"So what are we going to do, Brother?"
Tsugunobu"We will follow him, of course. If we're hesitating here, we will fail the Oshu Samurai and they will be laughed at. We won’t be able to show our faces in front of Fujiwara-sama."
Tadanobu"Oh my, I knew you'd say that. Frankly speaking, I think it's better if you give up, Brother."
Kurou"Is the older Sato not good at riding horses?"
Tsugunobu"It's not like that. Tadanobu is just slightly better than I am."
Tadanobu"You won't gain anything even if you praise me."
Tsugunobu"Compared to me, Tadanobu is not only better at riding horses but also martial arts. ...If only he has the spirit, he'd be perfect. Our father also lamented about that."
Tadanobu"It's not something that you can just speak of lightly while laughing. Do you not even think about the whole successor issues and the like?"
Benkei"The Sato brothers are close, huh."
Tadanobu"Well, having our good-natured brother is enough for the Sato family."
Tsugunobu"You won't gain anything even if you praise me."
Tadanobu"I'm not praising you."
Kurou"Having brothers is surely a good thing. I wonder if my brother and I can be like you two."
Madoka(How nice… If I can talk with Nii-san like that…)
Tsugunobu"For me to fall because of exhaustion rather than the enemy's blade--I can't show my face to Fujiwara-sama--."
Tadanobu"This isn't the time to be saying that! I've already told you to give up on riding the horse!"
Tsugunobu"Tadanobu! I shall entrust the Sato family to you!"
Tadanobu"Don't decide that as you please!"
Tsugunobu"I'm sure you'll be fine, Tadanobu! Please, for Fujiwara-sama--."
Tadanobu"Damn it. I can't lift him up!"
Kurou"--Don't give up!"
"The horse won't be able to hold up if we both ride on it! Please throw me away!"
Kurou"What makes you brothers is the fact that you two are together, am I right!?"
Tadanobu"I can't believe it. Doing something reckless like that--."
Benkei"It's because Kurou will pick up anything."
Kurou"That was marvelous! The enemy's camps are in chaos!"
Benkei"This should make it easier for us to fight the detached force."
Kurou"Hey, are you injured?"
Tsugunobu"No, thanks to you. Kurou-sama, congratulations on the success of this surprise attack."
"If it was not for your help, I would not be here anymore. We brothers shall serve you until we exhaust our lifespan."
Kurou"Don't exhaust your lifespan. I want friends with whom I can dash to anywhere."
Tsugunobu"As you wish."
Benkei"He's completely attached to you now."
*collapsing sounds*
Benkei"Huh? We ran out of sake, huh. But well, we only have a banquet after this."
Kurou"Nggh… Why did I do such a frightening thing like that… If I made one wrong move, I'd have died… whoaaa!"
Benkei"Hahaha. Just sleep, sleep."
Tsugunobu"I've been thinking about this for a while, but aren't you a little bit rude to our lord, Benkei-dono?"
Tadanobu"There, there. Benkei-dono has been with Kurou-sama for a long time. Surely they share a bond that we can't perceive."
Kurou"My bond with Benkei… Do you mean a bond where I suddenly got attacked the moment we met?"
Benkei"I'd call it a bond where your sword was hunted down."
Tsugunobu"Attack… Sword…? It is certainly a bond that we won't understand."
Benkei"Now that we have the Sato brothers with us, we have the power of a hundred people. We need not be afraid of any opponents coming our way. Right, Kurou?"
Kurou"No… I-I mean, fighting is against my principles…"
Benkei"Drink up, drink up."
Kurou"Hwah!? *gulps* *gulps*"
Kusumi(His change in expression when Tsugunobu pledged loyalty to Kurou was… impressive.)
(I could not bring myself to face this shining talent. I could not even face my own average abilities…)
(How foolish…)
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  1. Ushiwaka and Oniwaka are Yoshitsune and Benkei's respective other names.
  2. Yokai from the folklore of western Japan. It generally appears on beaches and attacks people who walk there.