+3Ghosts!/Episode 2

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Episode 2
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Izumi…Let’s see, we got flyers and… ah, the circular notice in the post.
(Heh. It’s a notice for the summer festival, huh…)
Ah, God-za won’t be holding the acting contest this year.
TenmaActing contest?
IzumiOh, good morning. A notice for this year’s summer festival has just arrived.
Looks like we’ll still be able to promote our troupe even without participating in the annual acting contest.
TenmaHeh. We’ve gotta do it, right?
MasumiDirector, here you go.
A script? Oh my god, it’s done already!
TenmaI see, you’ve brought it normally this time.
IzumiOh, there’s a memo attached here.
Masumi“For this story, I used a similar motif as the first Summer Troupe’s pirate play.”
I could only write down this part. He was mumbling nonsense afterward.
IzumiI, I see. Thank you, though!
(Masumi-kun is becoming more competent as a support each day…)
TenmaShall we gather them right now?
(The story revolves around high school boys who are aiming for a a dance competition. It’s a story of friendship that takes place in one strange summer…)
(The story still has the typical comedy of Summer Troupe, but it has a little bit of sorrowful vibes. Just like what Tsuzuru-kun said, it may bring out a new image of Summer Troupe.)
Well then, I’d like to decide on the cas–.
TenmaThat’s fast.
IzumiHmmm, alright, Misumi-kun, since you raised your hands faster, please go first.
MisumiI wanna play the lead, Kousei!
The theme is the same as Grandpa’s pirate play, right? That’s why I wanna play the lead!
IzumiI agree. Since he’ll be teaching dance to the others during the play, it’ll be good to have someone who is good at dancing play him. Besides, he also suits your image.
YukiIn terms of the one who is the best at dancing among us, he’s certainly the best choice.
MukuI also think the role is perfect for Misumi-kun.
TenmaMe too. I got reminded of Misumi when I read the script. In a way, the fact that he’s slow to notice things and his genuine side fits you.
IzumiAre you okay with that, Kumon-kun?
KumonYep! I want to take on the co-lead role, Sora!
I totally know how he feels, not being able to dance despite loving it so much…
Even the fact that he loves his family and that he aims for the national dance competition are something that I can relate to.
IzumiI see…
(I suppose Kumon-kun knows how that feels since he couldn’t play baseball even if he loves it.)
(I believe his passion towards his own role will bring a positive impact on the others.)
In that case, I’ll entrust the Sora role to Kumon-kun. Is that alright with you guys?
YukiNo objection here.
TenmaI’m sure Kumon can understand the character deeply.
MukuGood luck, Kyu-chan!
MisumiLet’s do our best together~!
IzumiDoes anyone else want to take certain roles?
KazunariMe, mee~!
It’s said here that Aoi wants to go see fireworks, so can you give the role to me, the fireworks leader of Summer Troupe~?
YukiThe heck is that?
TenmaSince when do we even have such a thing?
MukuUmm, I want to play Minato.
I used to not have any confidence at all and was down. During that time, I encountered track and field and had the courage to change…
So I can somehow relate to how Minato wants to change after encountering dancing.
KumonIt really suits Muku.
IzumiThen, Kazunari-kun will be Aoi while Muku-kun will play Minato. The remaining ones would be…
YukiLet me play Susukida[1]. I don’t need to dance.
TenmaWhat’s with that reasoning? It’s even worse than Kazunari’s!
YukiIt’s reasonable, you know. I’ll just leave the dancers roles to those who are good at it.
IzumiDo you have any roles you wanna do, Tenma-kun?
TenmaI wanna play Sousuke.
Even when you fight with him, you still can rely on him at the critical moment. His tolerant side is similar to mine.
TenmaWhy are you looking at me like that!?
KumonTenma-san and Sousuke, huh… I’ve gotta admit they’re somewhat similar, and somewhat not…
MisumiHmm? Are they similar~? Are they not~?
IzumiB-But that is certainly a brilliant choice you have there, Tenma-kun! With that said, the cast has been decided.
I’ll be counting on you as the leader, Misumi-kun.
MukuMisumi-san, since you’re playing the lead right now, why don’t you invite Madoka-san to come and watch the play?
MisumiI want to!
Oh, but… I wonder if I can go visit my home…
Izumi(Misumi-kun… Even though he has reconciled with his father, Kusumi-san, it doesn’t mean they’re close enough that Misumi-kun can freely go home…)
Masumi…You can just go to his uni, then.
MasumiWell, it’s not like you’ll be able to meet hi–.
MasumiNo, like I said…
IzumiThat’s a good idea, Masumi-kun!
Masumi…Leave it to me.
…He should be here soon.
Just go straight ahead from the front gate. I’ll be waiting here.
Got it~!
MasumiI don’t know if we can meet him, though…
MasumiThere he is…
MasumiAre you going home?
MadokaYeah. Father has been busy sorting and tidying up documents at home these days. See you la–.
MasumiHang on.
MasumiJust a little bit more…
MadokaWhat’s the matter?
Masumi…Do you have any plans this summer holiday?
MadokaSummer holiday…? I don’t have any in particular, but… My family usually goes to visit graves every year.
MasumiWill Misumi go as well?
MadokaThat is–.
…Facing such a family now will be asking too much.
–Sorry. I’ll be going now.
MasumiAh, wa–.
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  1. Names of the characters might change once the official releases the furigana or something.