Itaru | Soldier to your left. |
Banri | Aight. I’ll keep going around it. |
Itaru | Wow, nice support. |
| Oh yeah, my sister’s gonna get married soon. |
Banri | Yeah, I heard. |
Itaru | I’m still stumped on what to get for my sister’s wedding gift. Banri, what’d you do for yours? |
Banri | Ah, I was gonna get something for her, but she told me not to worry about it because I was still in high school. |
Itaru | Gotcha. |
Banri | I just acted like a good lil’ boy at the wedding instead. |
Itaru | Pog. |
Banri | Itaru-san, what kind of person is your sister, anyway? Do you guys play games together? |
Itaru | Well, we have played together before… |
| |
| --Flashback-- |
| |
Itaru | Clear. |
| Hmm… It’s fun to fight against the AI, but I still wanna try playing against people. |
| But I don’t really have friends that I can invite over… |
Konomi | I’m home. |
Itaru | Oh, big sis! |
Konomi | What? |
Itaru | Uh… You wanna play a game? |
Konomi | Why does it have to be with me? |
Itaru | … Ah, well, it must be too much for you to handle. |
| Since you’re not really used to it and it might take you a while to learn the controls… |
Konomi | The hell? If you can play this game, I can do it blindfolded. I’ll join just this once, as a treat. |
Itaru | All right! |
| |
Itaru | Yes! I won! |
Konomi | What the hell. |
Itaru | Didn’t know my sister would have such poor reflexes. I finally found your weakness. |
Konomi | … |
| |
Itaru | I think all of the chests in this dungeon have been collected already. All that’s left is the boss—. |
Konomi | Itaru, I’ll do this one. |
Itaru | Huh? No, I’m the one playing right now. |
Konomi | Come on. |
Itaru | Eeh—. |
| I mean, sis, you didn’t even look like you were having fun after you lost. Why are you giving it another shot? |
Konomi | Just get on with it already. |
Itaru | Fine… |
| |
Konomi | There, I won. |
Itaru | …Did that really just happen? |
Konomi | You might’ve been desperately trying to defeat this thing for the past few days, but for me, it’ll fall at my feet like nothing at all. |
Itaru | You should be a pro gamer, sis. |
Konomi | Not gonna happen. I already have my life planned out. |
| I’m going to enter a first-class university, get a job at a big company, do everything I want on my own, find myself a perfect partner, and then move overseas. |
Itaru | H-huh… |
| |
| --Flashback over-- |
| |
Itaru | She fulfilled her own expectations, getting married and moving abroad just as promised. |
Banri | She sure sounds like a tough one. A different type’a strong compared to my sis. |
Itaru | She’s approachable on the outside, but I could never talk back to her back at home. |
| Well, my sister actually saved my life during high school, so I’m grateful to her. |
| But the wedding gift is an impossible quest. If I mess this up, she’s gonna hold a grudge. |
Banri | Try not to piss her off. |
Itaru | Sigh… If only there was a Wiki to help. |
Banri | Right. |
| |
Itaru | Huh? Director-san, did you cut your hair? |
Izumi | Yup! It’s gotten pretty long, so I asked them to fix it up. |
Itaru | Cool. Mine’s also getting long, so I should probably get it cut soon. Especially since I gotta introduce Citron to my sister this weekend. |
Sakuya | I’d like a haircut too, but the salon I usually go to is closed for renovations, so I don’t know what to do… |
Izumi | I would recommend you the beauty salon I go to, but they’re not exactly known for men’s haircuts… |
Itaru | In that case, wanna come with me to my hairdresser? |
Sakuya | Eh!? Itaru-san, is it okay for me to go to your favorite hair salon? |
| I might get turned away at the door if they’re too high-quality! |
Itaru | Not really. I’ve been going there since I was in junior high, it’s got this homey feel to it. |
Sakuya | Then, please bring me along! |