Special Edition: Doll House/Episode 7

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Special Edition: Doll House
Episode 7
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MukuThe line starts here!
AzumaPlease watch your step.
AzumaAren’t you tired, Muku?
MukuNope, I’m totally fine! I have confidence in my stamina, after all!
AzumaFufu. How reliable.
Young girl—Nooo! Let’s go home already, mama!
MotherWhat’s wrong all of a sudden?
Young girlI told you, the eyes of that doll over there moved!
MotherThere’s no way they did, alright?
Young girlI’m not lying! They moved!
Muku(That doll’s eyes…)
(I just brushed it off as my imagination before, but could they have really…!)
MotherDolls eyes can’t move, alright?
Young girlThey moved, I swear! Come on, let’s go home already!
Azuma“…I’m sorry you were frightened, young lady.”
MukuAzu nee-san…?
Azuma“The dolls here are my brethren.”
Young girlBrethren?
Azuma“In other words, they are my friends.”
Muku(Could this… be an etude?)
Azuma“We usually take the form of dolls.”
Young girlYou’re a doll too, mister?
Azuma“Indeed. I wished to speak with all the guests who came here today, so I turned into a human.”
“Did you know dolls are said to have souls?”
“Thanks to all my different masters who took care of me one generation after another, even a doll like me was given a soul.”
“It is all thanks to that I am able to converse with you like this in this moment.”
“Just like me, that doll might have wanted to speak with you too, young lady.”
Azuma“Don’t you think so as well?”
“…I’m delighted I can speak with you like this as well.”
OrganizerGreat job, everyone!
We received great reviews from the guests thanks to you.
Thank you very much for sharing in the festivities with us!
YukiThat reminds me, there was a guest who said they liked the etude by Azu-nee and Muku.
MukuThe truth is… there was a young girl who was scared, saying the eyes of a doll were moving.
But Azu nee-san was quick on his feet and soothed her with an etude.
BanriThe hell? Was that a real horror phenomenon?
IzumiThere’s no way…
OrganizerAhh! Was it that doll by any chance?
Please wait here for a second.
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