Miyasaki | Directors, please gather here in five minutes. |
Izumi | Sorry, Banri-kun, but can you tell everyone about the changes in this part later? |
Banri | Got it. |
Izumi | (I feel reassured since Banri-kun can smoothly communicate with the staff and actors, even when they’ve never met before.) |
Banri | Right. I forgot. How about slowing down the tempo a bit in this part? |
Izumi | Looking at the timing of the actors' entrance and exit, it seems difficult… |
| But I like your idea! It may be doable if we adjust the timing a little bit. |
| (I have to admit, I'm grateful to Banri-kun for his innovative ideas to help improve my production plan.) |
| (Because of that, I can do things I've never done before. I've got to develop my directing skills.) |
| (I wouldn’t be able to do it if I were alone.) |
Banri | …For some reason, it's so inspiring and fun. |
Izumi | (…Is Banri-kun perhaps feeling the same?) |
Lighting Staff | I see, so we'll be using blackout in this part. Got it. |
Banri | Thank you. |
??? | Hey. Are we going "GAGAGA! WHOOSH! BAM!" in this part? |
Haruto | Whaat? I've already explained it to you earlier! |
??? | So we're going "GAGAGA!" right? |
Haruto | The heck is "Gagaga"!? |
??? | You got it wrong. It's not "Gagaga," but "GAGAGA!" |
Haruto | What's the difference!? |
Izumi | (The lighting staff seems like a calm person. On the other hand, we may have a hard time talking with the person in charge of the sound…) |
??? | So you guys are the next pair? |
Izumi | Oh, yes. Pleased to be working with you. |
Banri | For this part, we'd like to put some slow strings melody in the background, and hard rock in this one. Make sure to leave a short impact. |
??? | So it's "Jajajan" and "Tweee." |
Banri | Yep, yep. The "Tweee" sound an electric guitar makes. |
Izumi | (They're talking just fine…! I'm really grateful that I can rely on him during this kind of situation.) |
Manager | Ah! So you're here! |
Banri | Manager? |
Izumi | Remember the props ideas we talked about last night? |
| Manager said we have them in the warehouse, so he's brought them over. |
Manager | This is what you're looking for, right? |
Izumi | Thank you! |
Banri | Heh. So there are times when you can be useful too. |
Manager | What are you saying? I'm always more useful than a cat! |
Banri | You're really comparing yourself to a cat? |
??? | W-Wha….!? Are you perhaps…I-ISUKE-SAN!!? |
Manager | Huh? |
Manager | Uhh… Do you need something? |
??? | Eek!? |
| N-No, uhhh, I went to the same vocational school as you, Isuke-san. I'm your junior. I really, really respect you! |
Banri | So he's a fan of Manager…? |
??? | OMG… Can I shake your hand? NO, NO, NO, NO! I CAN'T! IT’S TOO EMBARRASSING! |
| *LIME notification sound* |
Manager | Oh! I've been summoned by Furuichi-san! It's time to be a bargain sale man. I'm afraid I have to take my leave here…! |
Izumi | Bargain sale man… |
Banri | He's probably going to the supermarket's sale. |
Izumi | That was so confusing… |
??? | …Is that person a member of your theater troupe? |
Banri | You can say he's our exclusive manager. |
??? | Manager… |
| |
Izumi | (Phew… We managed to deliver our presentation without any trouble… I feel like I was able to do all the things I wanted to do within such a short time!) |
Miyasaki | Now, I'd like to give my feedback. First pair. |
Izumi | … |
Miyasaki | If we look at your initial plan, this time, you were able to do it well. |
| However, while there were some twists and turns, and I admit that your idea is great, the theme lacks consistency, and the ending feels somewhat lacking. |
| I think you need to better consider the time allocation. |
| I get what you want to express, but your way of executing it is clumsy. It's not refined. There's still a lot of room for improvement. |
Izumi | (He's not showing any mercy at all…) |
| (I was really determined to make this a success, and even got Banri-kun to help me, but in the end it still turned out like this. I'm so pathetic.) |
| (Even so…I can take this chance to take another look at my directing methods. There's a lot that I can gain from this.) |
| (Besides, it can be a great experience for Banri-kun. For our MANKAI Show, I also have to improve little by little.) |
| |
Miyasaki | With that, I'd like to wrap up our workshop for the day. Good work, everyone. |
Izumi | Thank you so much! |
Banri | Thank you! |
Izumi | Phew. While we were badly criticized, ultimately, I'm glad that we managed to finish it. |
Banri | Agreed. I had fun learning a lot of new things. |
??? | Hey. How do you usually handle the sound in your troupe's productions? |
Izumi | Huh? |
??? | Is Isuke-san perhaps the one handling it? |
Izumi | We had him do it in the beginning, but recently he’s been getting busier with other work, so now we hire staff for that. |
??? | …Here, take my business card. |
Izumi | Rento Kinozaki-san… |
Rento | Don't hesitate to call me whenever you need help. I'll be more than happy to come if it's that person's theater troupe. |
Izumi | Thank you. |
Banri | That guy has the sense and skill. Isn't that great? |
Izumi | (As Yuzo-san said, I have a feeling this can lead to an improvement in our staff work!) |
| How do you feel about how today’s workshop went, Banri-kun? |
Banri | I got what Kabuto-san told me. |
| Looking at the actors from a director's point of view is indeed different from when I take the stage as an actor. |
| It made me realize I don't have to think about anything when I go on stage as an actor, and I now also understand a director's way of thinking to bring a whole play to completion. |
| I got to discuss a lot of ideas with you, and improved the overall quality of our work using a method that an actor wouldn’t usually use. To me, it was inspiring and rewarding. |
| It's like seeing a different side of theater. I feel like my horizons have expanded. You can say I'm genuinely happy about it. |
| I guess I've turned into a theater junkie without me knowing. |
Izumi | Hehe. You finally realize it now. |
Banri | Still, when I was watching the play, I ended up wanting to go on stage myself. |
| I know very well what you aim for during a production. I can express it better than them. |
Izumi | It's normal for you to feel that way as Banri Settsu, the actor. Personally, I’m happy to know that's what you think. |
| I also got to learn a lot of things through this workshop, you see. |
| I had initially decided to participate to improve my directing skills for our MANKAI Show. But now that I’ve actually gone for the workshop, I’ve once again realized that I'm still lacking. |
| I know this already, but I still have a long way to go as a director. I'm nowhere near my dad’s standard. |
| But because you've been helping me since the second day of the workshop, Banri-kun, I could come up with a lot of ideas. I'm starting to have more fun. |
| While we were harshly criticized, it was a fulfilling experience. I'm confident that I've created a plan that is better than our initial one. |
| It helped me to reaffirm that I truly prefer putting together a play with others, rather than doing it alone. |
| I have a lot of people I can trust in MANKAI Company, like you, Banri-kun. |
| I want to keep creating plays and growing with everyone. |
| Besides, I'm glad I could pick up on some stage production ideas that you deliberately didn't tell me. |
| Banri-kun, you know the kind of stage production where you go about adding small details to raise the whole quality of a play? I think you're suited for that kind of production. |
| Don't hesitate to tell me your opinion. I don't mind if it's your opinion as an actor, or just your personal opinion. |
Banri | Got it. That’d make things more fun, anyway. |
| Y'know, I'm starting to think I want to keep doing this… even after the workshop. |
Izumi | !! |