Miyasaki | Now, I shall give my feedback for our first day. |
| First pair--. |
Izumi | (It's our team…) |
Miyasaki | I don't know whether I can call your plan a stage production plan or not. |
| I have absolutely no idea what this scene implies, nor what you want to present during this scene. |
Izumi | --. |
Miyasaki | Settsu-kun, what do you think when you hear this? |
Banri | Honestly, I don't have any problems with it. I can imagine what kind of things I wanna do in this scene. |
Miyasaki | If I'm not mistaken, you two are from the same troupe, yes? In that case, you may already be way too familiar with each other. |
| Settsu-kun, you have to be more serious. You have to treat this stage production plan as your own problem. |
Banri | --. |
Izumi | (He totally ate us up…) |
Miyasaki | Second pair. Yanagi-kun and Asuka-kun. |
Yanagi | Y-Yes. |
Haruto | Yes. |
Miyasaki | To think you managed to come up with this on your first day, great work. You did well in hammering out all the details. |
| I have no doubt the staff and the actors will understand what they have to do, and what they have to show. |
Izumi | … |
| (I'm shocked, but I get what Miyasaki-san said.) |
| (Haruto-kun and his partner have a well-written plan. They can express how they are going to produce the scene.) |
| (Compared to them, my production plan is so rough and incomplete…) |
| (I always ask for everyone's opinions while refining my production plan. I guess that habit’s backfired on me now.) |
| (I don't think I've been doing it wrong, but if I keep this up, I can't express what I want to present to either Miyasaki-san or the other staff.) |
| …Sorry, Banri-kun. Even you got scolded because of me… |
Banri | It's fine. I still believe in your production, Director-chan. I know you can make it a great show. |
| I do think Miyasaki-san has a point, though. I've gotta admit I didn't voice my opinion at all. |
| It ain't like I'm not taking this seriously, but it's just, I ended up thinking we'll be fine even if we make one or two mistakes. |
| I guess I've gotta agree with him when he said I put way too much trust in you 'cause we’ve always made it until now. |
| I don't know a thing about stage production, so honestly, there may be a part of me that held back from sayin' anything. |
Izumi | (I had no idea that Banri-kun thought that way…) |
| (I do think I can take my time to refine the production plan all by myself…) |
| (But in the end, I want to put it together with everyone.) |
| (Because I only have Banri-kun with me now as the assistant director, I have to ask for his help…) |
| Banri-kun, you’re participating in the workshop as an assistant director, not as an actor, so just say what you want to say from tomorrow onwards. |
| I don't mind if it's from your point of view as an actor, or something you personally feel. I want to grow as a director. That's why, I want to learn everything. |
Banri | Got it. |
Izumi | It's not like I have an outstanding sense of theater, and I don't have much experience. The same goes for my directing. |
| Despite that, the fact that we’ve been able to deliver a lot of great plays up until now is all because I always ask for Yuzo-san's and everyone's opinions. It's because we produce them together. |
| That is why I want both of us to create the plan together. I want you to help me. |
| I'm sure it'll be 100% better than this. Besides, you can learn something from it, Banri-kun. |
Banri | You're right. I'm gonna try to help you, even if I end up losing face somewhere along the way. |
Izumi | Thank you! I'll take any criticism that comes my way! I'm already used to it, anyway. I have the mentality of a gorilla[1]! |
Banri | Haha, you're strong. |
Izumi | Let's do our best today, Banri-kun! |
Banri | Director-chan, I tried coming up with a way to improve your production plan last night… |
Izumi | For real!? Thanks a lot! |
| (Since Banri-kun is helping me now, I can't afford to fail during today's workshop!) |