Cards/Tsuzuru Minagi/At the End of the World

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Serious.png Spring troupe.png SSR
At the End of the World
(At the End of the World) Tsuzuru Serious SSR.png
(At the End of the World) Tsuzuru Serious SSR+.png
Leader Skill 独り占めBBQ
Adlib Skill 生きるために捨てる者
Cardset The Liar Night is Forever




Card Stats

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 2303 1643 2629
80 4357 3065 4920
+ 4617 3245 5210
++ 4877 3425 5500
🔥🔥🔥 6077 4625 6700

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 20 35
2 25 40
3 30 45
4 35 50



Tsuzuru 001 Chibi.png