
From A3! Wiki
Revision as of 04:07, 18 January 2021 by Enllyn (talk | contribs)

I like to take strolls near my house and on the wiki.

Please feel free to correct any 'translations' I make, they're really just me sitting there with the digital dictionary open and pelting my friends with requests for help.

Discord: Enllyn#1411

If you see me mention Sky, he's @minalinskye on twitter. None of my friends play A3! but they still help me, bless them.

Promotion Event Test

Card Bonuses

In Promotion Events, Tiny Bonus is not in effect.

Stat Bonus
Type Unbloomed Bloomed + Bloomed ++
Main Stat 2x 3x 4x
Other Stats 1.2x 1.3x 1.4x

Event Missions

Method LP Guests
Flyer Distribution 10 20
Troupe Blog Updating 20 45
Inste Live Members
Sakuya Kumon Kazunari Azami Tsumugi

Event Rewards


After reaching promotion level 150, you can gain rewards from a looping set every 30 levels.

Items Reward
2 Event Story x1
3 Onigiri x1
4 Kameman x3
5 Silver Trophy x1
6 Friend Points x500
7 Dia x5
8 Event Story x1
9 R Yuzo Kashima
10 Coins x2000
11 Friend Points x1000
12 R Yuzo Kashima
13 Onigiri x1
14 Event Story x1
15 Kameman x3
16 Sakura Seed x2
17 Dia x5
18 Event Story x1
19 R Yuzo Kashima
20 Sunflower Seed x2
21 Cosmos Seed x2
22 Gold Trophy x1
23 Narcissus Seed x2
24 Event Story x1
25 Sakura Bud x2
26 Kameman x3
27 Sunflower Bud x2
28 Bentou x1
29 Cosmos Bud x2
30 Coins x5000
31 Boxed Kameman x1
32 Dia x5
33 Event Story x1
34 Kameman x3
35 Narcissus Bud x2
36 Silver Trophy x1
37 Sakura Flower x2
38 Gold Trophy x1
39 Sunflower Flower x2
40 Large Acting Guide x1
41 Onigiri x1
42 Event Story x1
43 Cosmos Flower x2
44 Boxed Kameman x1
45 Narcissus Flower x2
46 Dia x5
47 Friend Points x1000
48 Gold Trophy x1
49 Kameman x3
50 Event CG x1
51 Bentou
52 Sakura Bud x2
53 Friend Points x1000
54 Sunflower Bud x2
55 Onigiri x1
56 Large Acting Guide x1
57 Coins x5000
58 Boxed Kameman x1
59 Dia x3
60 Event Story x1
61 Cosmos Bud x2
62 Kameman x3
63 Narcissus Bud x2
64 Silver Trophy x3
65 Bentou
66 Dia x5
67 Kameman x3
68 Large Acting Guide x1
69 Boxed Kameman x1
70 Gold Trophy x3
71 Coins x5000
72 Dia x3
73 Coins x10000
74 Kameman x3
75 Friend Points x2000
76 Bentou
77 Sunflower Bud x3
78 Large Acting Guide x1
79 Friend Points x2000
80 Boxed Kameman x1
81 Bentou
82 Kameman x3
83 R Yuzo Kashima x2
84 Dia x3
85 Coins x20000
86 Large Acting Guide x1
87 Kameman x3
88 R Yuzo Kashima x2
89 Boxed Kameman x1
90 Dia x3
91 Premium Medal x5
92 SR Kazunari Miyoshi
93 Kameman x3
94 Bentou
95 Kameman x3
96 R Yuzo Kashima x2
97 SR Kazunari Miyoshi
98 Dia x5
99 Bentou
100 Gold Trophy x3
101 Boxed Kameman x1
102 Kameman x3
103 SR Kazunari Miyoshi
104 Friend Points x2000
105 Sakura Flower x3
106 Dia x5
107 Bentou
108 Boxed Kameman x1
109 Sunflower Flower x3
110 Silver Trophy x3
111 Gold Trophy x3
112 Dia x10
113 Cosmos Flower x3
114 Boxed Kameman x1
116 Bentou
117 Boxed Kameman x1
118 Narcissus Flower x3
119 Silver Trophy x3
120 Gold Trophy x3
121 Boxed Kameman x1
122 Gold Trophy x3
124 Silver Trophy x3
125 Boxed Kameman x2
126 Friend Points x2000
127 SR Kazunari Miyoshi
128 Bentou
129 Gold Trophy x3
130 Boxed Kameman x2
131 Dia x5
132 Bentou
133 SR Yuzo Kashima x3
134 Sakura Flower x5
135 Dia x5
137 SR Yuzo Kashima x3
138 Boxed Kameman x2
139 Dia x5
140 Sunflower Flower x5
141 SR Yuzo Kashima x3
142 Bentou
143 Cosmos Flower x5
144 Boxed Kameman x2
145 File:PLACEHOLDER Badge.png 180px Title Achievement x1
146 Dia x10
147 Narcissus Flower x5
149 Gold Trophy x5
150 Dia x50
Items Reward
+1 Boxed Kameman x4
+1 Bentou x2
+1 Sakura Bud x5
+1 Sunflower Bud x5
+1 Cosmos Bud x5
+1 Narcissus Bud x5
+1 Boxed Kameman x2
+1 Bentou x1
+1 R Yuzo Kashima x3
+1 R Yuzo Kashima x3
+1 R Yuzo Kashima x3
+1 Boxed Kameman x2
+1 Bentou x1
+1 Sakura Flower x4
+1 Sunflower Flower x4
+1 SR Kazunari Miyoshi
+1 Cosmos Flower x4
+1 Narcissus Flower x4
+1 Bentou x1
+1 Silver Trophy x3
+1 Gold Trophy x3
+1 Boxed Kameman x1
+1 Sakura Flower x5
+1 Sunflower Flower x5
+1 Cosmos Flower x5
+1 Narcissus Flower x5
+1 SR Yuzo Kashima x2
+1 SR Yuzo Kashima x2
+1 SR Yuzo Kashima x2

Blog format test

【No. 1】Blog Project, Start!

Viewing Period: 18 Jan 21