Magicians' Pure Love/Episode 6

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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 6
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Chikage"It’s a private party in the mansion, huh."
Masumi"Then, will it be a close-up performance?"
Masumi"It’s when you do the magic trick right in front of the audience, usually for a small amount of people."
Itaru"Ah, I see.
"It’s a private residence this time, but there would be a small hall there."
"The client is Ritchie Marney…
"He ranked very high in the list of real estate kings in the magazine every single year…"
"Mr Marney is a connoisseur, he created an art museum on his premises to display his collections from all over the world."
"Every year, he would open his house for 3 days 3 nights to showcase those collections, it seems that he called us to be in that demonstration."
Chikage"It sounds like a good business. Take the job, Kiel."
Masumi"Please don’t just selfishly decide like that."
Chikage"I’m the president of this office. I have the authority to."
*Short Time Skip*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 6-1.png
IzumiAlright, that’s it for today.
Masumi-kun, do you have anything to say?
MasumiEveryone, I think you all did a good job interpreting your role.
After that, all the characters in this performance are kinda suspicious, I thought the atmosphere was good too, but I want to try showing something like a gap.
ChikageI see.
SakuyaI see, I think it’s a good idea!
Izumi(Masumi-kun really grew up. He doesn’t look that enthusiastic being the leader of this performance, but he’s looking at everyone properly.)
MasumiThen, if nothing else, that’s it for today.
IzumiAh, Masumi-kun–
Izumi(Why do I feel like he’s running away from me…
Is he maybe avoiding me?)
CitronDirector, somehow awe walk with Masumi huh?
IzumiAwe walk…?
IzumiAh, I see!
TsuzuruI thought he’s been talking normally recently.
IzumiMe too, I don’t remember doing anything that will make Masumi-kun avoid me…
I’ll look at the situation again and try talking to him.
Then, I’ll go off first.
SakuyaGood work today!
Tsuzuru…Is it going to be alright?
ItaruIt’s not that it’s actually caused by Director-san.
CitronI talked to Masumi yesterday.
He’s been worried about something.
ChikageAbout love, is it.
TsuzuruMe too, I received some consultation from Masumi.
SakuyaMe too.
CitronAbout Masumi, I heard he requested for his character to lose his first love in this script.
SakuyaEh, why did he make such a request…
TsuzuruAbout that… It seems that he had a dream where he’s not together with Director.
ItaruSo he’s afraid of getting his heart broken and he make a return to ‘negative mode’.
TsuzuruIs it because I told him that he has to support his feelings when subjected to a sad experience.
Maybe he wanted to experience how broken heart feels first by playing it in a role…
ItaruWhat kind of Maso-play is that…
ChikageFor Masumi, Director-san is his first love after all, so he has never experienced a broken heart before.
TsuzuruThat’s why, I think Masumi wants to know how the pain feels, doesn’t he.
ItaruThen, this role will be a hard one for him.
ChikageHe seemed to be normal during the reading just now, I wonder what will happen from now on.
SakuyaWhen it becomes hard for him, let’s all support him with all we have.
CitronYou’re right.
I intend to do very much so!
TsuzuruYou’re right.
ChikageI’ll do what I can as the co-lead.
TsuzuruBy the way, Sakuya, did you recommend Masumi to hear everyone else’s opinion about love?
SakuyaAh, yes! If it’s only me, I think it won’t be enough…
After all, there are different forms of love, maybe when he heard from everyone, he would be able to understand it better.
ChikageYou mean, he has been walking around to listen to everyone?
ItaruAre you serious.
CitronI already answered him!
SakuyaSo next should be Itaru-san or Chikage-san isn’t it.
Itaru…Love stories huh. Well, as his senior in life, I guess I have a bit of story to tell…?
ItaruHow about you, senpai…
ChikageMaybe he won’t come to find me.
I’ve already told him that I have no love stories to tell.
Don’t expect too much from me.
I will think of another way to support Masumi.
SakuyaBut, if Masumi-kun really come to listen to your perception of love, please answer him properly when the time comes.
Chikage…If he comes to listen, right.
*Shifts to Chikage/Itaru’s Room*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 6-2.png
Itaru… I should stop levelling up this skill soon, the next will be…
ItaruIt’s you, Masumi. You need anything?
Masumi…That game, let me try it again.
ItaruThat game?
This one?
MasumiNot this one. The one we played during Alice, the one where a character that looks like Director appears.
ItaruAh~ That one.
You can sit there and wait. I’ll get it out now.
ItaruThere it is. This one right?
“B5! Best! Beauty! BigBang! Bishoujo!”
ItaruThis opening is so nostalgic.
Here, your controller.
MasumiIs it possible to lose your love at the end here?
Itaru… is that, for your role study?
ItaruThen, first of all, let’s try to do the Director character’s route using the guide, choose exactly as I told you.
ItaruThe first one is A. Next is B
*Short Time Skip*
ItaruFrom here on you’re in the Director character’s route, what are you going to do now?
ItaruIf you want to lose her love, you can just make her hate you.
Game Character“This time, do you want to go to the aquarium together with me?”
MasumiThen, this option should be…
"B:I don’t like fish”
ItaruYou’re ri—Ah, wait, I customized this part.
The correct answer should be A.
Masumi“A: I want to see the dolphin show!”
Game Character“Sorry, I don’t like dolphins. As I thought let’s cancel the aquarium plan.”
MasumiYou’re right…
*Short Time Skip*
ItaruWith this, you’re probably going to get dumped.
Game Character“Thank you for always getting along with me, from now on let’s stay as friends!”
ItaruSee, there you go.
Masumi…Are you, the master of lost love?
ItaruLet’s leave it as the master of love.
So, what do you feel after actually experiencing lost love?
This is a game after all, so it doesn’t mean anything.
ItaruThat’s not true.
You can learn a lot of things about life by playing games.
Even for me, I’ve learned a lot from playing games.
It will sound like something Tsuzuru said but…
Games and stories are like the same thing.
Immerse yourself in the game storyline and experience life in the eyes of someone else, your heart will be moved.
Afterwards, when you experience something in real life, whatever scenario it is, you would have known how it feels.
Masumi… I was lonely, I was sad.
Even if it’s just a game, as I thought it’s hard.
But, I absolutely cannot give up.
Itaru…That sounds just like you, Masumi.
MasumiWhat is love for you, Itaru?
…Love is, sometimes an impossible game.
ItaruWithout looking at a walkthrough, there will definitely be routes that you don’t understand the first time you see it, things like when you need a combination of certain choices…
There’s also routes that you can only unlock after unlocking routes from every other character.
Masumi… I don’t really understand but, you sound like the master of love.
ItaruI’ll take that as a compliment.
I was talking about games just now, but reality is really like an impossible game.
No matter how much we think about doing things for the sake of other people, in the end we’re just spinning around in place.
Really, human relationships are like an impossible game and it’s annoying.
But, no matter how many times you reach game over, if you build up your strategy and never give up, I think one day you’ll definitely be able to clear it… That is, the real pleasure of an impossible game.
Well, anyway, Masumi can stay as Masumi, just do whatever you want.
I think in the end, that Masumi that sounds like the usual Masumi will always be supported by everyone in Spring Troupe.
Masumi…Somehow, you sounded so proud.
ItaruI’m your senpai in life, I’m also your father figure in Spring Troupe after all.
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 6-3.png
“Love is, sometimes an impossible game.” By Chigasaki Itaru
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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 6
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Chikage"A party at a private mansion, huh."
Masumi"Then it'll be a close-up."
Masumi"It's a type of magic you perform directly in front of a small audience."
Itaru"Ah, I see. Though this would be performed at a private home, there is a bit of a hall there."
"The client is Richie Money... A real estate tycoon who's listed in the rankings for top income earners every year."
"Money-shi is a dilettante, you see. He's created an art gallery on his property, and they say he displays things he's collected from all over the world there."
"Every year he hosts a party for three days and three nights where he shows off his collection, and it seems like this year, he'd like you to help with that demonstration."
Chikage"Seems like a good business offer's fallen into our laps. We're taking this offer, Kiel."
Masumi"Please don't decide things on your own."
Chikage"I'm the president of this office. I have the authority to make decisions."
IzumiOkay, then, let's stop there. Masumi-kun, is there anything you'd like to say?
MasumiI think it's good that everyone's already been able to interpret and understand their roles.
Other than that, I think for this performance, it would be good to have each character be suspicious, or at least have that kind of atmosphere, so I'd like to have some kind of chink in their armor appear.
ChikageI see.
SakuyaYou're right, I think that's a good idea!
Izumi(Masumi-kun has grown so much. He's not pushing himself in a weird way as the leader, and he's watching everyone carefully.)
MasumiThen, if there's nothing else, practice is over.
IzumiAh, Masumi-kun——.
*door closes*
Izumi(He kind of left like he was running away... Maybe he's avoiding me?)
CitronDirector, is there train between you and Masumi?
IzumiAh, I see!
TsuzuruI feel like you two were speaking normally until just a little while ago.
IzumiI don't really remember doing anything to cause Masumi-kun to avoid me, either...
I'll check on him and try to talk to him. Okay, I'll be leaving now.
SakuyaGood work!
Tsuzuru... Are they gonna be alright?
ItaruWell, Director-san isn't the reason behind everything, after all.
CitronI talked to Masumi yesterday. Masumi was worrying about dove.
ChikageLove, I think.
TsuzuruMasumi came to me for advice, too.
SakuyaHe came to me, too.
CitronI heard that Masumi requested he lose his first love in the script.
SakuyaHuh? Why did he make a request like...
TsuzuruThat's... It seems like he had a dream where he wasn't able to be with the Director anymore.
ItaruHe's so afraid of a broken heart that it's "Negative Mode: Returns."
TsuzuruIt might be because I told him that stories can support you when painful things happen to you.
He might have wanted to experience a broken heart while acting out a role...
ItaruWhat's with that masochistic move...
ChikageFor Masumi, Director-san is his first love, so he's never experienced a broken heart before.
TsuzuruThat's why Masumi might have thought that he wanted to experience that pain.
ItaruThen, acting out this role might be painful for him.
ChikageHe pulled it off normally during our reading earlier, but who knows what will happen in the future.
SakuyaIf Masumi-kun ends up struggling, then let's all support him.
CitronYeah. I'm planning on returning the favor to him!
ChikageAs the second lead, I'll do whatever I can do for him.
TsuzuruOh right, Sakuya, I heard that you suggested Masumi ask everyone else about love?
SakuyaAh, yes! I felt like I wouldn't be of much help if I were the only one he asked...
Also, there are many forms of love, so I thought that if he asked everyone, he might be able to understand something new.
ChikageBy everyone, you mean he's planning on going around and asking everyone here?
ItaruFor real?
CitronI already answered!
SakuyaNext is Itaru-san or Chikage-san.
Itaru... Love gossip, huh. Well, as his senior in life, I guess there might be something I could talk to him about...?
ItaruSenpai is...
ChikageI might be the only one he doesn't come to. He's already announced that he won't talk about love with me. He's not expecting anything from me.
I'll try to think of a different way to support Masumi.
SakuyaBut if Masumi-kun asks you about love, please make sure to give him a proper answer.
Chikage... "If" he asks me.
Itaru... This skill is going to be maxed out soon. Next is...
*knock knock*
ItaruMasumi. What's wrong?
Masumi... Let me play that game again.
ItaruThat game? You mean this one?
MasumiWrong. That game we played together during Alice, the one where a character like the Director appears.
ItaruAhh~... That one. Sit down over there somewhere and wait a sec. I'll look for it now.
ItaruFound it. It's this one, right?
"B5! ~ Best! Beauty! BigBang! Bishojo!"
*sparkling noise*
ItaruThis opening's so nostalgic.
Here you go, your controller.
MasumiHow do you get unrequited love in this thing?
Itaru... Is that for the sake of getting into your role?
ItaruThen first, I'll guide you into Director-san's character route, so pick the options I tell you to.
ItaruThe first choice is A. The next is B.
With this, you've entered Director-san's route, so what do you want to do?
ItaruIf you want to get an unrequited end, then doing things she wouldn't like would be good.
Game Character"Would you like to go to the aquarium together sometime?"
MasumiThen, this answer would be...
"B: I don't like fish"
ItaruYep, ye——Ah, wait, I customized this. This one is A.
Masumi"A: I want to watch a dolphin show!"
... Alright.
Game Character"I'm sorry, I don't really like dolphins. I think we shouldn't go to the aquarium."
MasumiYou were right...
ItaruWith that, you're probably going to be brushed off.
Game Character"Thank you for always being such a good friend to me. From now on, let's continue to be good friends!"
ItaruThere, see.
Masumi... Are you a master of unrequited love?
ItaruPlease keep me as a love master instead.
So, how was actually experiencing an unrequited love?
This is a game, so there might be no meaning to it.
ItaruThat's not true.
It's okay because you can learn important things about life from games. Even for me, I've learned a lot of things from games.
It seems like Tsuzuru said it as well, but... Games and stories are no different from each other.
Games immerse you in the story and allow you to experience someone else's life for yourself, and they move your heart.
You can even learn about how you'd feel about things that happen in your life before it happens.
Masumi... I was lonely. And sad. Even if it's just unrequited love in a game, it really is painful.
But I can't give up at all.
Itaru... That's very like you.
MasumiTo you, what is love?
... Love is at times an impossible game.
ItaruIf you don't look up a strategy guide, there's definitely going to be some trick bad end route that you won't know about, or like this choice and that choice's combination was required or something...
And I mean, there are routes that you can't even access until you clear all the endings on all the characters.
Masumi... I don't really get it, but you seem like a love master.
ItaruThank you for the recertification.
I was talking about games, but even in reality, I really do think it's an impossible game.
Stuff like wanting to do something for someone else's sake, but you end up going in circles and it doesn't go well. Seriously, human relationships are an impossible game and a real pain.
But, no matter how many times you game over, if you don't give up on playing, you might be able to clear it someday... That's the best part about impossible games.
Well, anyway, I think you should do whatever your heart desires.
That sort of "Masumi-like" you is the one all of us in the Spring Troupe want to support.
Masumi... Your wording feels high and mighty.
ItaruThat's because I'm your senior in life. Plus, in the Spring Troupe, I play the role of your dad.
Masumi Notebook EP6.jpg
*scribbling noises*
Itaru On Love.jpg
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  1. Masumi's note says: "Love is at times an impossible game." by Itaru Chigasaki
