Misumi | … |
Madoka | Who is it? |
| –Nii-san. |
Misumi | Sorry coming here without notice. |
Madoka | No need to apologize… This is also Nii-san’s home, after all. |
Misumi | My home… |
| –You see, I have three requests for you, Madoka. |
Madoka | Three? |
Misumi | The first one is something that I’ve already said before. I wanna fly paper airplanes with you. |
| Back then, the only thing I could do well was making paper airplanes… |
| So I wanted to show it to you and get along. |
| But now I can also act. |
| That’s why I want both Madoka and Father to watch my upcoming lead play. That’s my second request. |
| I wish I could have invited you when we watched the fireworks the other day, but I didn’t have any courage… Sorry for being such a cowardly brother. |
Madoka | In that case, I’m also the same as you. |
| There’s a lot of things I want to talk about with you, and I wanted to apologize for the things that happened in the past. But I couldn’t do it. |
| I’m sorry. |
Misumi | Ehehe, so we’re the same. |
Madoka | Yeah. |
Misumi | Let’s do this, then. |
Madoka | A handshake? |
Misumi | I hope we can get along well in the future. |
Madoka | I hope so too–. |
Madoka | *sniffles*… |
Hakkaku | What’s wrong, Madoka? Why are you crying? |
Madoka | I wish I could have a name like Nii-san’s. Madoka sounds so girly… |
Hakkaku | Really? If I do say so myself, I think it’s a good name. |
| The kanji for your name is considered a symbol of peace, you see. And it has the same pronunciation as the kanji for “bond.” |
Madoka | Symbol? |
Hakkaku | Hm, I think it’s still too difficult for you. Put out your hand. |
Madoka | Like this? |
Hakkaku | Yeah. And then–. |
Madoka | A handshake? |
Hakkaku | Yeah. The kanji for your name connects people like this. |
Madoka | Connecting people… |
Madoka | Nii-san, I also have a request for you. Can I say it? |
Misumi | Of course! What is it? |
Madoka | If you don’t mind… I want to go visit Grandfather’s grave with you. |
Misumi | Huh? Can I really go there? |
Madoka | Yeah. Let’s bring paper airplanes and meet Grandfather. I’ll tell Father about this. |
Misumi | Where is Grandpa’s grave at? |
Madoka | It’s in the countryside. There’s also a villa that Grandfather often used nearby. |
Tenma | Villa? |
Yuki | Don’t tell me–. |
Kumon | It’s the villa that Hiro-san talked about!? |
Madoka | –. |
Muku | Ah, sorry… |
Misumi | I brought them along. |
Tenma | Say, is there really a villa nearby? |
Madoka | Y-Yeah. There’s also a stream nearby. If you’re lucky, you can see fireflies there. |
Kumon | Even fireflies!? Oh wow! |
Misumi | Thanks, Madoka~! |
| *hugs* |
Madoka | Whoa–Hold on, Nii-san…! |
Yuki | He’s finally back to being himself. |
Izumi | It’s not like Misumi-kun to act like before, right? |
Madoka | Speaking of, Nii-san, what’s your last request…? |
Misumi | Madoka has said it first, so it doesn’t matter anymore. |
Kazunari | So that means we’re going to see fireflies next!? Maaan! I’m so hyped! |
Muku | I feel like it’s been a while since I last watched fireflies. |
Kumon | We’re doing a lot of fun things this summer! |
Yuki | We still don’t know if we can see the fireflies, though. |
Tenma | And we still have something important to do before that. |
Izumi | Yup. We need to make this play a success. |
Misumi | Definitely! Let’s make it our best performance! |
| See you later, then, Madoka. |
Madoka | Yeah. Good luck on your play. |
Izumi | We’re sorry for disturbing your time. |
Misumi | Oh, yeah! I forgot. |
| I’m giving this to Madoka. |
Madoka | …A triangular ruler? |
Misumi | It’s Grandpa’s ruler. He always used it when he wrote scripts. It’s your turn to use it, Madoka. |
| I’m sure Grandpa will be happy if you keep this. |
| Besides, I still have a lot of precious triangles, so I don’t mind giving it to you. |
Madoka | Thanks, Nii-san. |
Misumi | Write a lot of beautiful stories like Grandpa did, ‘kay? |
Madoka | …Yes. I’ll also do my best. |
| |
Izumi | (Today is finally our opening night…) |
| (Even though a lot of things happened during rehearsals, both Misumi-kun and Kumon-kun were able to get back on their feed and we could finish preparing for the play fast.) |
| Misumi-kun, I saw Madoka-kun and Kusumi-san in the audience seats just now. |
Misumi | Really!? |
Izumi | And it looks like Hiro-san’s come to watch. |
Tenma | –. |
Yuki | What? You’re nervous? |
Tenma | Hmph, no. Rather, I’m fired up. |
Kazunari | If we make mistakes like him, I feel like Hiro-san will drop by the dressing room with a big smile on his face~. |
Kumon | I can imagine that~. |
Muku | You have a point… |
Tenma | Don’t imagine that kind of thing! |
Misumi | Alright~. Let’s huddle up, guys! |
| Let’s do our best to deliver a performance that only us can deliver. |
| We only have one chance to perform today’s show. Let’s make it our best show ever so that we won’t regret it later! |
| And then, let’s make it our best summer together! One, two, triangle~! |
Kumon | Triangle! |
Kazunari | Triangle! |
Muku | Tri-Triangle! |
Yuki | Yeah, yeah. |
Tenma | You think I can do such a thing so suddenly like that!? |
Izumi | Good luck, guys! |